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Level 11
Level 11
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Created by: ROD TAGUCHI on 06-06-2011 04:55:29 PM
I would like to see tighter integration with Cisco Connect chat groups, contacts and capabilities.
Rod Taguchi/VocalMash

Subject: RE: Chat integration
Replied by: Jon Grady on 06-06-2011 05:19:12 PM
Hi Rod,

Thanks  for  posting. This will  be seen by more, shortly

Jon Grady/Cisco

Subject: RE: Chat integration
Replied by: Jon Grady on 07-06-2011 09:34:17 AM
Making progress

Subject: RE: Chat integration
Replied by: Jon Grady on 08-06-2011 06:31:15 PM
Test #3

Subject: RE: Chat integration
Replied by: ROD TAGUCHI on 08-06-2011 07:14:34 PM
another nice feature would be to allow internal contacts with different domains.  I.e. and  At the same time, let's go all the way and allow chat with external to WebEx Social users!  The same way that WebEx Connect does.  Rod Taguchi/Vocalmash

Subject: RE: Chat integration
Replied by: Jon Grady on 09-06-2011 04:15:30 PM
Thanks Rod. We have received this request from other prospects as well...

Subject: RE: Chat integration
Replied by: Ben Sunderland on 15-01-2012 06:12:46 PM
I have also have people as for the ability to disable chat per user.  The nature of having chat in a browser which is not always visable, means thtere is a chance to miss IMs, and the person on the other end wonders why you dont reply (I have had this happen lots).
So either has an optional thick client for the IM that can pop up from teh sys tray, or have the option to diable and let the user use the usual chat client if they have that.


Subject: RE: Chat integration
Replied by: Smita Upadhya on 13-08-2012 06:04:28 PM
Thank you for your comments. The enhancement request has been shared with the WebEx Social team and will be added to the product roadmap as appropriate. Please work with your business contact at Cisco for more details on the roadmap.

Smita Upadhya
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