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Created by: Kevin Pickard on 12-10-2011 01:57:06 PM
     According to the Cisco Finesse Web Services Developer Guide the Cisco Finesse SDK is available from the Finesse Getting Started page ( On that page it says for the SDK go to the Tools page. When clicking on the provided link you are taken to There is no SDK there. When you then select the Cisco Finesse in the API pulldown list on that page you are taken back to the Getting Started page!
     So where exactly is the Cisco Finesse SDK?

Subject: RE: Cisco Finesse SDK
Replied by: David Lender on 12-10-2011 02:34:37 PM
There is no SDK currently.  There was an SDK available for the previous version of Finesse but it has been deprecated.  The current 8.5(3)DR2 developer release of Finesse has the webservices API only.  The documentation for the Finesse webservices API can be found here

Subject: RE: Cisco Finesse SDK
Replied by: Joseph Horvath on 01-07-2013 11:16:26 AM
David Lender:
The Finesse javascript libraries are available for download in the tools section of the Documentation page of the Finesse tech center.

I am working on a Java library that uses the Finesse REST API and manages BOSH notifications. This library will expose the Finesse Business objects and Notifications as Java objects. The Java Developer will primarily interact with these objects and allow this library address the underlying REST API's and BOSH connection management.

I am testing this library with JavaFX in order to ensure compatibility with JavaFX's unique threading requirements. Java applications should be compatible as well.

This library is a "work in progress". I currently have the following Finesse Business Objects implemted and tested:
  • ActionParam
  • ApiError
  • CallVariable
  • Contact
  • Dialog
  • FinesseError
  • MediaProperties
  • Participant
  • PhoneBook
  • Queue
  • QueueStatistics
  • ReasonCode
  • Team
  • User
  • WrapUpReason
I am just inquiring as to the potential interest among the Finesse community members regarding such a library for developing JavaFX based Desktop apps and applets.

Subject: RE: Cisco Finesse SDK
Replied by: Jin Tiam Loh on 06-08-2013 12:38:18 PM
Hi Joseph,

This Java library and the available Finesse API are 2 separate items? Does it suppose sending wrap up code to Finesse through 3rd party application / another gadget inside Finesse


Subject: RE: Cisco Finesse SDK
Replied by: Joseph Horvath on 06-08-2013 01:18:05 PM
Hi Jin;

Yes -- These are two seperate items. Please note that the Java library is typically used for stand along Java Applications. Browser based access to Finesse should make use of the Finess JavaScript library. It is true that the Java Library utilizes JavaFX, therefore it can be used in an Applet, however, it would probably be easier to utilize the Finesse JavaScript library within a browser environment.

Therefore, the Java library would send Wrap-Up codes to Finesse from a stand alone Java application. To send Wrap-Up codes through a Gadget, I would recommend that you use the Finesse JavaScript library.

Joe Horvath
Cisco Advanced Services

Subject: RE: Cisco Finesse SDK
Replied by: Jin Tiam Loh on 06-08-2013 01:26:26 PM
Hi Joe,

Based on the current Finesse JavaScript library v9.1, it is already possible to send wrap up code to Finesse?

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