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Created by: Jim Britt on 04-11-2009 11:07:04 PM
I was wondering if anyone knew if Cisco TSP will work with Windows 7 64 bit?
If not, is there any idea when a version will be released which does?

Subject: RE: Cisco TSP and Windows 7
Replied by: Anitha V on 05-11-2009 04:23:16 AM
Hi Jim,
Cisco TSP won't work with Windows 7, since it is a 64 bit version.
As of now, there is no plans for this in store.
Thanks and Regards,
Cisco Developer Services.

Subject: RE: Cisco TSP and Windows 7
Replied by: David Staudt on 05-11-2009 04:52:17 AM
Windows 7 32-bit would be on the roadmap, but will probably lag the Windows 7 release by a major version - perhaps a year or so.
64-bit still appears to garner little interest, though it has appeard on the radar lately.  Your feedback on the benefits/advantages of 64-bit support welcome.

Subject: RE: Cisco TSP and Windows 7
Replied by: Jim Britt on 05-11-2009 05:45:35 PM
Windows 7 32-bit would be on the roadmap, but will probably lag the Windows 7 release by a major version - perhaps a year or so.
64-bit still appears to garner little interest, though it has appeard on the radar lately.  Your feedback on the benefits/advantages of 64-bit support welcome.

Well, it puts us in pickle.. Got a global call center where the agents use a lot of virtualization, ergo we need the higher RAM capabilites. The lack 64 bit support will prevent us from fully using the features of our system, namely the integration of our CRM with ACD.

Subject: RE: Cisco TSP and Windows 7
Replied by: Ken Chambers on 19-11-2009 07:04:30 PM
I think many of your 64-bit users are thinking "well that's just how it is", and are not speaking up, so I thought I would chime in.  Hopefully if you hear from more of us, you'll get a clearer picture regarding 64-bit computing and re-assess your priorities to align with user requirements.
We use a mix of 32-bit and 64-bit Operating Systems on our PCs in our environment.  The 64-bit proportion is growing due to increasing RAM requirements for high performance applications such as geophysical / seismic modelling.  This leaves many of our users without the TSP functionality.
I'm not sure regarding the background of those providing general Information Technology guidance within the Cisco development team on roadmapping, but the trend toward 64-bit operating systems is only going to increase in the next few years.  IT experts foresee there will be a corresponding increase in 64-bit deployments as more companies take the plunge to adopting Windows 7 (the deployment of which inherently requires the adoption of a more forward-thinking approach and less preoccupation with compatibility with legacy drivers and applications).  This is particularly true as RAM costs continue to decrease and applications continue to require more, causing the 4GB ceiling to become less and less acceptable.

Subject: RE: Cisco TSP and Windows 7
Replied by: David Staudt on 19-11-2009 09:07:07 PM
Thanks for the feedback, it definitely helps.  Anything you can do to put the need in terms of # of customers, # of seat/phoness, revenue potential, etc. is especially useful.

Subject: RE: Cisco TSP and Windows 7
Replied by: George Gary on 19-11-2009 09:20:00 PM
Across the software industry, the migration of software applications from 32-bit to 64-bit will be on going as broad 64-bit computer, driver and operating system support is a recent industry transition.

Based on our evaluation of 32-bit Cisco Unified Communications desktop
applications including our TSP, we have not found significant loss in functionality when running these applications in 64-bit Windows machines running in 32-bit emulation mode (WoW64, enabled in Windows by default).
To avoid delays in our much-anticipated Cisco Unified Communications System Release 8.0, we are maintaining our current release schedules and plan over time to phase in Windows 7 support, as well as targeted native 64-bit support providing significant value. 
As additional information becomes available about specific products, we will continue to update the Cisco Unified Communications Support for Windows 7 Bulletin posted on
George Gary, Product Manager

Subject: RE: Cisco TSP and Windows 7
Replied by: Brian Denton on 05-02-2010 03:13:30 PM
With all due respect Cisco CEO has stated many times that Cisco is looking to be on the leading edge of change within the technology realm.  Microsoft released Windows XP 64 bit in March of 2003 and now in 2010 Windows 7 64 bit is starting to go main stream.  So to say that Cisco did not see this change coming would imply that Cisco (and specifically your BU) is not paying attention to industry trends.

Now with that said I am looking forward to the new release of UC 8.0 and cannot wait until UC is supported on UCS as we are running our entire organization in a private cloud environment.  But  I would ask that you please place 64 bit native support for TSP on the roadmap as it does not install cleanly in a Windows 7 64 bit OS.

Brian Denton, CTO ExamWorks
Additionally the link posted is invalid  

Subject: RE: Cisco TSP and Windows 7
Replied by: David Staudt on 05-02-2010 04:28:01 PM
Full link:
We do appreciate the feedback...especially if you can provide some numbers around your requirements - e.g. XXX number of 64-bit TSP desktop clients now/future, YYY number of 64-bit TSP server apps controlling ZZZ IP phones - this will help George and others on the PM team prioritize above other critical feature work that also has firm documented numbers to support it. 
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