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Level 11
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Created by: Kevin Buckley on 10-09-2010 08:30:00 PM
I have an interesting TTS problem with Nuance.
I am able to reproduce getting the TTS Engine to 'hang'.
The scenario is where there is greater than approximately 80 seconds between use of TTS in prompts.
Scripting flow:
Play a TTS message
Menu with only wavefiles (NO TTS).
Play another TTS prompt.
Steps through the script:
If in the menu you make a selection by say 75 seconds, you hear the next TTS prompt and flow continues as expected.
If I wait until approx. 80 seconds before selecting a prompt, I get the 'hang'.
The 'hang' is experienced by the caller as dead air. 

 If the TTS prompt is simply a prompt with barge-in turned on,
 then the caller can recover control by hitting # and bargeing through the prompt.
 If the TTS prompt is part of a menu, there doesnt seem to be a way to recover control.
Both prompts set the VXML setting
Project Deployed from CVP as Cisco Unified CVP 4.1/7.0 VoiceXML 2.1 with OSR 3/Nuance 9
Any suggestions?  Any Questions?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Subject: Re: New Message from Kevin Buckley in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - General
Replied by: Janine Graves on 17-10-2010 11:46:52 PM
Did you ever get a patch or resolution for this?

On 9/10/2010 4:30 PM, Cisco Developer Community Forums wrote:
> Kevin Buckley has created a new message in the forum "General
> Discussion - All Versions":
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> I have an interesting TTS problem with Nuance.
> Â
> I am able to reproduce getting the TTS Engine to 'hang'.
> The scenario is where there is greater than approximately 80 seconds
> between use of TTS in prompts.
> Â
> Scripting flow:
> Play a TTS message
> Menu with only wavefiles (NO TTS).
> Play another TTS prompt.
> Â
> Steps through the script:
> If in the menu you make a selection by say 75 seconds, you hear the
> next TTS prompt and flow continues as expected.
> Â
> If I wait until approx. 80 seconds before selecting a prompt, I get
> the 'hang'.
> The 'hang' is experienced by the caller as dead air.Â
> Â If the TTS prompt is simply a prompt with barge-in turned on,
> Â then the caller can recover control by hitting # and bargeing
> through the prompt.
> Â If the TTS prompt is part of a menu, there doesnt seem to be a way
> to recover control.
> Â
> Both prompts set the VXML setting
> Project Deployed from CVP as Cisco Unified CVP 4.1/7.0 VoiceXML 2.1
> with OSR 3/Nuance 9
> Â
> Any suggestions?  Any Questions?
> Â
> Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> Â
> Regards,
> Kevin
> --
> To respond to this post, please click the following link:
> <>
> or simply reply to this email.

Janine Graves

Subject: RE: CVP 7 - Nuance
Replied by: Hemal Mehta on 18-10-2010 03:04:19 AM
I just saw this post. I have a few questions:
When you say 80s between TTS prompts, do you mean 80s after the menu audio is played? How long is the timeout set to?
Did you collect logs on the TTS and ASR engine ? What kind of error message do you see?
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