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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: Ganesh K on 25-05-2010 03:06:20 PM
We need to integrate Nunace Recognizer 9.0 with CVP 7.0 and we couldn't make out much from docs, if somebody done this kind of integration. Please send me the config which has to be done in Nuance and if anything in Cisco. It would be greatful if you can send some sample application for ASR.

Subject: RE: CVP to Integrate with Nuance Recognizer
Replied by: Tieying Xuan on 08-06-2010 09:23:12 AM
There is no official document from Cisco side. I've done it before. Maybe later I can post some words to Wiki pages.
You need follow software. Please download them from And get trial license from the same site.
    * Nuance Recognizer 9.0 - ASR engine
        * Needed language pack (en-US and more)
    * RealSpeak 4.0 - TTS engine
        * Needed language pack (en-US and more)
    * Nuance Speech Server (NSS) 5.0 - MRCP server
    * Nuance License manager
NSS Configuration 
After installing NSS, remember to modify these lines in the configure file
/Speech Server 5.0/server/config/NSSserver.cfg. They should
match the config in IOS GW.
# The URL postfix, by which the messages addressed to this resource will
# be identified
# The default value
#server.mrcp1.resource.2.url         VXIString    media/speechsynthesizer
server.mrcp1.resource.2.url         VXIString    synthesizer

# The default value
#server.mrcp1.resource.3.url          VXIString    media/speechrecognizer
server.mrcp1.resource.3.url          VXIString    recognizer

# RTSP port to use for the server.
# If the paramater is commented then RTSP server does not start.
#server.mrcp1.transport.port   VXIInteger 4900
server.mrcp1.transport.port   VXIInteger 554
Configure MRCPv1 in Voice GW
Using RTSP, we make the GW config as follows:
ivr asr-server rtsp://
ivr tts-server rtsp://
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