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Created by: Hemal Mehta on 03-08-2011 11:29:43 PM
Assuming that it uses underlying ftp protcol to transfer files and ftp is prerequiste to use this.  Is there way to make it secure ?

Subject: RE: FTP element in 8.5
Replied by: Matthew Reiter on 04-08-2011 09:42:52 AM
Assuming that it uses underlying ftp protcol to transfer files and ftp is prerequiste to use this.  Is there way to make it secure ?

Currently the FTP element only supports the FTP protocol (as opposed to SFTP or SCP), which as you likely know is inherently insecure because the password is passed using plain text. If you need additional security you will need to implement it yourself using a custom element. It may also be possible to use IPsec to secure FTP communications, assuming you control the FTP server (more information on IPsec can be found here:

Subject: RE: New Message from Matthew Reiter in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - CVP -
Replied by: Hemal Mehta on 04-08-2011 09:45:12 AM
Thanks Matt.  Let me look into this.

From: Cisco Developer Community Forums []
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 8:43 AM
Subject: New Message from Matthew Reiter in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - CVP - All Versions: RE: FTP element in 8.5

Matthew Reiter has created a new message in the forum "CVP - All Versions":

Assuming that it uses underlying ftp protcol to transfer files and ftp is prerequiste to use this.  Is there way to make it secure ?

Currently the FTP element only supports the FTP protocol (as opposed to SFTP or SCP), which as you likely know is inherently insecure because the password is passed using plain text. If you need additional security you will need to implement it yourself using a custom element. It may also be possible to use IPsec to secure FTP communications, assuming you control the FTP server (more information on IPsec can be found here:
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Subject: RE: New Message from Matthew Reiter in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - CVP -
Replied by: Hemal Mehta on 05-08-2011 02:08:12 PM
The ftp element in Cisco was giving me some errors. Need to debug further.  At this point, just writing my own java class which could do multiple ftp¿s and could also secure the pwd.  Will revisit this element later

From: Cisco Developer Community Forums []
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 8:43 AM
Subject: New Message from Matthew Reiter in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - CVP - All Versions: RE: FTP element in 8.5

Matthew Reiter has created a new message in the forum "CVP - All Versions":

Assuming that it uses underlying ftp protcol to transfer files and ftp is prerequiste to use this.  Is there way to make it secure ?

Currently the FTP element only supports the FTP protocol (as opposed to SFTP or SCP), which as you likely know is inherently insecure because the password is passed using plain text. If you need additional security you will need to implement it yourself using a custom element. It may also be possible to use IPsec to secure FTP communications, assuming you control the FTP server (more information on IPsec can be found here:
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