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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: Beena Jacob on 18-09-2013 12:30:52 PM
The xml request shown below is the same as the one provided in documentation (Xml APIv5.9). The webex Id I'm using for authentication is beena. I think my role is siteadmin bcos I can connect to the admintool and make changes.  The lstsummaryUser returns 1 record and it's user 'beena'. There is atleast 90 users in the system. Why am I getting only 1 user?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<serv:message xmlns:xsi="">
<bodyContent xsi:type="java:com.webex.service.binding.user.LstsummaryUser">

Subject: RE: lstsummaryUser returns only 1 record
Replied by: Nathan Morrow on 18-09-2013 07:22:42 PM

     Please provide the URL of your WexEx site for further investigation.

Subject: RE: lstsummaryUser returns only 1 record
Replied by: Beena Jacob on 19-09-2013 08:08:36 AM

Subject: RE: lstsummaryUser returns only 1 record
Replied by: Nathan Morrow on 19-09-2013 12:02:14 PM

     User beena is a host account and will only get own details for Lst commands.

Subject: RE: lstsummaryUser returns only 1 record
Replied by: Beena Jacob on 19-09-2013 12:11:17 PM
So, I need a Site Admin account for Lst commands or is there any other kind of role ?


Subject: RE: lstsummaryUser returns only 1 record
Replied by: Nathan Morrow on 19-09-2013 12:13:34 PM

     If the intention is to retrieve results for all users on the site, a site admin or site admin read only account would be needed. Host level can list own details, which may be enough for some users.

Subject: RE: lstsummaryUser returns only 1 record
Replied by: Beena Jacob on 19-09-2013 12:38:00 PM
Yes, I need to retrieve all the users. I'll try with site admin account.
Is there a way to retrieve policy group info per user? or based on a group, get the users belonging to that group?

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