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Level 11
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Created by: Vedran Zeljeznak on 23-03-2012 09:07:42 AM
I have an aplication which connects to JTAPI API on CUCM and CTIOS in IPCC and i need to match calls between these two APIs.
In JTAPI each call has a callId field (example: 7527/1) and in CTIOS each call has the following fields: ConnectionCallID (16784743), UniqueObjectID (call.5000.16784743.210) an ICMEnterpriseUniqueID(icm.150196.295). None of CTIOS fields match callId from JTAPI.
How can one get JTAPI callId from CTIOS call so one can be certain that call objects obtained from different APIs represent the same call?

Subject: RE: Matching calls on CISCO JTAPI and CTIOS
Replied by: Sergei Gorbunov on 26-03-2012 02:59:01 AM
You can get a call in JTAPI by ConnectionCallId using Provider.getCall  method.

Subject: RE: Matching calls on CISCO JTAPI and CTIOS
Replied by: Alexander Anikin on 23-08-2012 12:09:40 PM
In JTAPI each call has a callId field (example: 7527/1) and in CTIOS each call has the following fields: ConnectionCallID (16784743), UniqueObjectID (call.5000.16784743.210) an ICMEnterpriseUniqueID(icm.150196.295). None of CTIOS fields match callId from JTAPI.
How can one get JTAPI callId from CTIOS call so one can be certain that call objects obtained from different APIs represent the same call?

It's quite obvious if you look at Call IDs in hex form: JTAPI Call ID is (0x1D67/1) and CTIOS ConnectionCallID is 0x1001D67
ConnectionCallID (16784743) = 16777216*1 + 7527
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