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Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: Bill Webb on 01-02-2010 03:58:17 PM
Hi All -
We're trying to develop a desktop and present the time the caller spent in queue using the "MeasuredCallQTime" Property value.  The problem is that this value keeps coming to the desktop as "0" (zero).  We have tried flipping the Registry value "MinimizeEventArgs" to 0 and restarting CTIOS Server to no avail.
Can anyone confirm whether this parameter is valid in a UCCE environment with CVP?  We tested on UCCE 7.5(4) and CVP 7.0(2), but our target release would be 7.5(6) and CVP 7.0(2).
If it is valid, is there another registry switch to enable it besides MinimizeEventArgs?  Is that one even needed?
Any help is much appreciated!!
 - Bill

Subject: RE: MeasuredCallQTime
Replied by: Oleg Doroshenko on 07-11-2013 02:03:06 AM
Hi all.

We hit the same problem.
IVR 8.5+UCCE 9.0(4)
MeasuredCallQTime 0 even if caller was queued.

Is there any way to receive call queued time on CTI OS desktop?

Subject: RE: New Message from Oleg Doroshenko in Computer Telephony Integration Obje
Replied by: David Lender on 07-11-2013 06:57:44 AM
In a IPCC CVP enviornment you can't use the MeasuredCallQTime stat due to:

The MeasuredCallQTime is not available in IPCC because Q measurements are on
a different peripheral (IPIVR) or CVP.

The reason is because the IVR(CVP) and Agent are on separate peripherals.

The queue message would be related to CVP peripheral, and the agents are on
CCM peripheral as well as ctios/ctisvr. So the end clients (ctios) only has
access to CCM peripheral messages not the queuing messages of cvp.
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