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Created by: Luca Galluppi on 20-07-2010 01:18:47 PM
Hi i have an application that use a standard action element math used to create a cicle with a session variable. Sometimes the element don't work correctly and return NaN. How i can understand what happen?

Subject: Re: New Message from Luca Galluppi in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - General
Replied by: Janine Graves on 20-07-2010 03:12:47 PM
Hi Luca,

what is the operation you're doing in the Expression line of the math
element?  The NaN error stands for 'Not a Number' and it probably means
that one of the variables in your expression line contains something
other than a number. Perhaps you're trying to increment a variable but
you didn't assign an initial numeric value to that variable.


On 7/20/2010 9:18 AM, Cisco Developer Community Forums wrote:
> Luca Galluppi has created a new message in the forum "General
> Discussion - All Versions":
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi i have an application that use a standard action element math used
> to create a cicle with a session variable. Sometimes the element don't
> work correctly and return NaN. How i can understand what happen?
> Â
> Luca
> --
> To respond to this post, please click the following link:
> <>
> or simply reply to this email.

Janine Graves

Subject: RE: Re: New Message from Luca Galluppi in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - Gen
Replied by: Luca Galluppi on 21-07-2010 07:12:46 AM
Hi Luca,

what is the operation you're doing in the Expression line of the math
element?  The NaN error stands for 'Not a Number' and it probably means
that one of the variables in your expression line contains something
other than a number. Perhaps you're trying to increment a variable but
you didn't assign an initial numeric value to that variable.


On 7/20/2010 9:18 AM, Cisco Developer Community Forums wrote:
> Luca Galluppi has created a new message in the forum "General
> Discussion - All Versions":
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi i have an application that use a standard action element math used
> to create a cicle with a session variable. Sometimes the element don't
> work correctly and return NaN. How i can understand what happen?
> Â
> Luca
> --
> To respond to this post, please click the following link:
> <>
> or simply reply to this email.

Janine Graves

i'm doing a sum of double from 0 to 10.
The strange things is that sometimes the sum is doing correctly and other time i receive that error.
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