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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: Syed Husain WMA on 06-10-2009 09:25:22 AM
I'm trying to do a simple TAPI 2.0 application which include the following functions :
1. Make Call
2. Receive Call
Here's the workflow that I used :
1. lineInitializeEx
2. lineOpen
3. lineMakeCall
4. lineDeallocateCall
5. lineClose
6. lineShutdown
Everything works fine. The application can make call to the designated address and also can receive calls from the outside.
The problem is, I can't hear anything during the call. Its connected, but no sound.
I've installed the Cisco wave drivers.
I've looked through the forums, there's a mention of RTP. But I have no idea about it. If there's any changes that have to be made, is it in my application or the CTI Manager. If my application, please do provide a link or example on how to use the RTP. If its CTI Manager, please do provide the necessary steps because I have to relay the information to the IT Dept. This is because I don't have direct access to the CTI Manager and the IT Dept doesn't know the problems.
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