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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: Matt Keenan on 04-07-2011 12:20:12 AM

The setup is c40 Profile 42" with Dual Display and the HDMI port is cabled to an NEC projector. The standby timer is set to 5 minutes (the business requirement). People present content locally on their laptops via the VGA cable on the desk. All they use is the laptop and the projector – no need to use the codec/camera. After 5 minutes presenting, the codec goes into standby and the projector stops working. Only current work around is to increase stanby timer... anyone know a way to keep the signal active for local presentations "routed" through the codec?


Subject: RE: Stand by issue for  local presentations - c40
Replied by: David Bruun-Lie on 05-07-2011 02:26:08 PM
Hi Matt,
this is not the intended behavior - the codec is NOT supposed to enter standby as long as presentation mode is active and the codec is receiving a sync'ed signal.

Which Software version is the codec running?
And to be clear - the VGA cable is connected to the DVI-input on the codec and not directly to the projector?

Could you include a dump of what "xstatus Video input" is showing on the API?


Subject: RE: Stand by issue for  local presentations - c40
Replied by: Matt Keenan on 06-07-2011 06:18:01 AM
Hey David,

Thanks for the reply. The software release is TANDBERG Codec Release TCNC4.1.0.247779 and yes I can confirm that the VGA cable is definetly cabled to the DVI input on the codec.

I will post an xstatus as soon as I get access to the site again... i take it you want this both before and after the issue occurs?

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