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Level 11
Level 11

Subject: RE: 11 Option Menu in CVP Studio
Replied by: Janine Graves on 31-07-2009 05:01:35 PM
For an 11 option menu (if you're sure that's what you want!), you should to use a Form element. In the Settings tab of the element, right-click the DTMF Keypress setting, and select Add Another. Keep doing this until you have 11 DTMF Keypress entries. And into each setting, enter one allowable entry from the caller. It could be one digit or multiple digits (for example, if you want the caller to enter 11 or 12 you could enter that). The nice thing about using the Form element is that if the caller enters any DTMF entry other than those you allow then the caller hears the NoMatch prompting within the element.
If some of your entries are more than one digit, then the timer used by the gateway to determine whether the caller is done with their entry is called the interdigittimeout. You can set that at the bottom of the Form element's Settings tab where it says VoiceXML Property. Enter the name:  interdigittimeout  and for the value enter either 1s (for one second)  or 500ms (500 milliseconds). You must enter the time unit of either s or ms.
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Created by: Eric Tanney on 31-07-2009 04:34:46 PM
I'm trying to create an 11 option menu in CVP and can't seem to accomplish it. I used a number element with barge-in enabled. I then move the value of the number pressed to a session variable, and break out my menu from a decision element.

Everything works functionally this way. However, at teh number capture element, when a number is inputted it plays 5-7 seconds of silence before moving on to the next element.
Any suggestions how to either A.) remove this silence or B.) configure an 11 option menu?

Subject: RE: 11 Option Menu in CVP Studio
Replied by: Christopher LeBlanc on 31-07-2009 06:39:53 PM
Can I ask why you would want an 11 option menu?  Today, our CVP customers are very focused on customer satisfaction and customer retention.  May I suggest breaking your menu up into more digesable subsets?  I don't think I would be able to remember all the choices from an 11 menu IVR selection.

Subject: RE: 11 Option Menu in CVP Studio
Replied by: Eric Tanney on 31-07-2009 07:26:28 PM
Janine - thank you so much for detailing that out! We thought it was possible with the Form element, but all I could find was that was for an external ASR server. I ended up giving up and breaking this menu out in ICM. A lot more nodes to do it... but it worked. I will remember that for next time!
Chirstopher - I completely agree with you, an 11 option menu is ridiculous. However, this particular menu was an idea from our marketing team. Their goal was to provide a puzzle-like voice application to promote an upcoming title. In order to do so, they wanted each of the 12 keys on the keypad to provide a different message (only 1 of those was announced). More just a fun application then anything.

Subject: RE: 11 Option Menu in CVP Studio
Replied by: Eric Tanney on 31-07-2009 07:59:07 PM

I tried to use this Form element and I am receiving the below error message:,07/31/2009 12:52:18.379,Form_01,enter,,07/31/2009 12:52:18.383,Form_01,interaction,audio_group,initial_audio_group,07/31/2009 12:52:18.442,Form_01,element,error,error.semantic,07/31/2009 12:52:18.442,Form_01,exit,,07/31/2009 12:52:24.004,,end,how,disconnect,07/31/2009 12:52:24.004,,end,result,error,07/31/2009 12:52:24.004,,end,duration,6
Any thoughts? I have attached a screen shot of my CVP screen. Thanks!

Subject: RE: 11 Option Menu in CVP Studio
Replied by: Eric Tanney on 31-07-2009 08:48:05 PM
I changed to dtmf as well as inputted the termchar, with no luck on claring the semantic error. It seems there is a problem with the Call Studio Debugger, as it is telling me it needs to be lisenced. That's antoher fish-to-fry.

Do I need to input anything in the DTMF Grammer field?

Subject: RE: 11 Option Menu in CVP Studio
Replied by: Eric Tanney on 31-07-2009 09:06:20 PM
I don't see a connect button, however; the terminate button is enabled. Here's the message which appears in my screen...

Loading application 'ProfessorLayton'... Done
*** WARNING - Errors were encountered attempting to initialize loggers for this application. The application itself has been loaded and can handle calls, however the affected loggers have not been initialized and will not function. See the application error log or the global error log for descriptions of the errors encountered. No other applications are affected. ***

Subject: RE: 11 Option Menu in CVP Studio
Replied by: Eric Tanney on 31-07-2009 09:31:18 PM
Hi Janine, although I don't see the connect button, I do see the terminate button... does the below excerpt mean it ran?

Loading application 'ProfessorLayton'... Done
*** WARNING - Errors were encountered attempting to initialize loggers for this application. The application itself has been loaded and can handle calls, however the affected loggers have not been initialized and will not function. See the application error log or the global error log for descriptions of the errors encountered. No other applications are affected. ***
Jul 31, 2009 2:02:55 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol start
INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-64796
Jul 31, 2009 2:02:55 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 1875 ms
Jul 31, 2009 2:17:07 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol pause
INFO: Pausing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-64796
Jul 31, 2009 2:17:08 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService stop
INFO: Stopping service Catalina
Unloading application 'ProfessorLayton'... Done
Jul 31, 2009 2:17:08 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol destroy
INFO: Stopping Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-64796

Subject: RE: 11 Option Menu in CVP Studio
Replied by: Eric Tanney on 31-07-2009 09:34:27 PM're awesome! Removing the asterisk resolved the issue. Everything is working great now. Thank you so much for helping me through this!!!

Subject: RE: 11 Option Menu in CVP Studio
Replied by: Janine Graves on 31-07-2009 08:13:08 PM
I'm not sure why you're getting an error.semantic. Try changing the Input Mode to DTMF Only in the Form element. Also, you won't be able to collect the # sign from the caller unless you disable the termchar. To do this, go to the VoiceXML Property area at the bottom of the Settings window of the same Form element. Enter the name 'termchar' and enter a value not on the DTMF keyboard, for example,  'A' (omit all quotes).

Subject: RE: 11 Option Menu in CVP Studio
Replied by: Janine Graves on 31-07-2009 08:19:45 PM
If you're using 7.0 Studio, can you try using the Call Studio Debugger (call simulator) and see if you get the same error.semantic? In Studio, just right-click the application name and select Debug Call Studio Project to start the debugger. The Debugger uses a different voice browser than is on the gw

Subject: RE: 11 Option Menu in CVP Studio
Replied by: Janine Graves on 31-07-2009 08:47:20 PM
Eric, I just tried this on my own system. I've got my Gateway Adapter set to Cisco With DTMF Only. And it looks like you don't need to change the InputMode to dtmf only, that doesn't help. It looks like the cisco voice gateway doesn't like the * as one of the DTMF Keypresses. It works fine with 11 options, so long as none of them are an asterisk *. When I test through the debugger or through a web browser everything is fine, so it means that the Cisco voice browser on the voice gateway doesn't like the *.  Maybe it's an issue for Cisco to fix.
I haven't tried using the Gateway Adapter (in Studio's Project Properties)  set to 'Cisco with OSR' - then the DTMF keypress settings would be interpreted by the Speech Recognizer instead of the gateway and I'm pretty sure that would work fine.

Subject: RE: 11 Option Menu in CVP Studio
Replied by: Janine Graves on 31-07-2009 08:52:06 PM
Eric, the debugger always shows an error saying it needs a license, but it doesn't. You can ignore that error. So long as the CONNECT button on the bottom right eventually becomes enabled, then you are all set, just press CONNECT and it places a call. When you're done testing you must press the red square near the top to turn off the debugger. Then in the upper right corner press BUILDER button to go back to the Studio window.

Subject: RE: 11 Option Menu in CVP Studio
Replied by: Janine Graves on 31-07-2009 09:12:17 PM
Eric, I get that error message also, just ignore it. After the error message, you should see INFO:Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 etc, etc. And then if you wait about 30 seconds, then on the little phone in the bottom right corner of the debugger (marked VoiceApplication) you'll see a CONNECT and a CLEAR button. If you press Connect, then it places a simulated phone call. Clear hangs it up.
Anyway, that's a red herring, the debugger works just fine with the asterisk in the 11-option menu.
The Cisco Voice Gateway (which uses a different voice browser to interpret the vxml code) doesn't seem to like the asterisk as one of the DTMF Keypresses.

Subject: RE: 11 Option Menu in CVP Studio
Replied by: Ranjana Narayan on 03-08-2009 10:22:50 AM
'*' asterisk is a metacharacter in the regex implementation on the cisco IOS. If you want * to be one of your valid input you can try to set it as '\*' escaping the character.
Hope this helps,
Level 1
Level 1

Where we have to configure \* in form element 

Also how to ignore metacharacter in CVP

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