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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

Active T1 or E1 ports on WS-X6608 modules reset on a random or infrequent basis, resulting in all active calls to Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTNs) being dropped. Non-configured but enabled ports continuously reset, attempting to connect to a Cisco CallManager. These reset messages can overlap to    the active gateway ports and cause an unwanted reset.

This error message indicates that the T1 or E1 port is trying to register. Because it does not, it reset itself. The first [dec] is the module number where the host processor resides; the second [dec] is the number of the processor that was reset (Some modules may have more than one processor onboard.).

This error message appears if the user does not configure or disable all of the ports    on a WS-X6608 blade.

This system message continually appears on the console screen, and in the syslogs, if you have them configured. This is the expected behavior for this blade. It does not affect system performance.


To overcome this problem, configure and enable only those ports that are to be used, and disable or delete the unused ports (non-configured but enabled) to prevent the asynchronous reset.

To disable the unused ports, issue the set port disable  command.

If you do not want to disable or delete the unused ports, these unused ports can be configured as gateways, Media Termination Points (MTPs) or hardware conference bridges or transcoders.

For related information, refer to How to Use Cisco CallManager to Configure a Catalyst WS-X6608-T1 Port as a T1 VoIP  Gateway.

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