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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

The issue could be caused by one of these possibilities:

  • You entered an incorrect ID or password.
  • You have not been configured properly in the Cisco Customer Response Application (CRA) Administration.
  • The DC Directory Server (DCD) or other Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) service is not running.


To resolve this issue, perform these steps:

  1. Make sure you are using a user ID configured as administrator. Even though a user exists in Cisco CallManager, a user must be configured as administrator in CRA Administration.  

  2. The user ID and password are case sensitive, so make sure that you enter these items correctly.  

  3. Do not use administrator as the user ID or ciscocisco as the password. These names work only when the system is first set up. After the system is set up and users are configured as administrators, the administrator and ciscocisco identification no longer works.  

  4. Make sure that the DC Directory Server service is running, or if you have specified another LDAP as the Active Directory (AD), make sure that service is running.

For more information on resolving Cisco CRA and Customer Response Solutions (CRS), refer to these documents:

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