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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

When upgrading the Subscriber server in the cluster, problems have been observed when performing an install on the Subscriber when the Publisher is already installed and running fine.

The Subscriber and Publisher should be upgraded concurrently.

This issue is documented in Cisco bug IDs CSCec00220 and CSCeb71414.


For a workaround, perform these steps:

  1. Issue the ping command to verify that Subscriber server has proper IP connectivity with the Publisher server.

    Note: To verify the connectivity using the ping command, use the IP address and host name of the Subscriber server from the Publisher server command  line window. Go to Start > Run > cmd.

  2. Update the hosts and Lmhosts files on the Publisher and the Subscriber server located on the c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc folder. Open the files in a notepad and edit the contents.

    For more information, refer to Subscriber Upgrade Fails / Unable to Find Updated Database.

If these steps do not resolve the issue, reload the server and run a fresh upgrade or installation again. Prior to doing this, disable the WWW, Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming, and Internet Information Server (IIS)services on the server. These services commonly fail to stop during the installation. Re-enable them after the upgrade.

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