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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

This issue occurs in the Cisco CallManager 4.1(3), after the successful installation of the CDR Analysis and Reporting (CAR) tool and the correct configuration of all of the parameters:

Services Running:
Cisco CDR Analysis and Reporting Scheduler
Cisco CDR Insert
Cisco Database Layer Monitor

Service Parameters Configuration:
Current Server:  Publisher
Current Service: Cisco CallManager

CDR Enabled Flag = True
CDR Log Calls with Zero Duration Flag = True
Call Diagnostics Enabled = True

CDR Parameters:
CDR File Time Interval (min) = 1
CDR Format = CDRs will be inserted into database
CDR UNC Path = \\x.x.x.x\CDR
Cluster ID =
Local CDR Path = C:\Program Files\Cisco\CallDetail
Off Cluster CDR Connection String =  Blank

When attempts are made to access the CDR, it fails to reach the log on screen, and the [LDAP Access Error. Contact System Administrator] error message appears.

In the services parameter, the Tomcat Services also fail to start.


After the Cisco CallManager server is rebooted, if the Tomcat services still fail to start, this service can be reinstalled from the Cisco CallManager CDs. In order to reinstall the service, complete these steps:

  1. From the Cisco CallManager 4.1(3) install CDs, insert the install CD1, and copy CCMData.1 to the c:\ directory.
  2. Rename CCMData.1 to SunJreSetup.exe.
  3. Open a command prompt.
  4. Execute this statement in the command prompt window:

    /S /v "/v/qb! ADDLOCAL=ALL IEXPLORER=1
    INSTALLDIR=C:\Progra~1\Cisco\Java\JRE REBOOT=Supress

  5. The install runs in silent mode. Make sure to open the Task Manager and check the log file in order to determine the install is completed.
  6.   Open the registry key and check this registry setting for accuracy:

    HKLM\software\JavaSoft\Java Update\Policy\EnableAutoUpdateCheck = 0
    HKLM\software\JavaSoft\Java Update\Policy\EnableJavaUpdate = 0
  7.   Once the service is started on all the servers in the cluster, change the UserSSL setting on the C:\dcdsrvr\DirectoryConfiguration.ini file from True to False.
  8.   At the end, restart the IIS, WWW Publishing, and Tomcat Services again.
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