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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

On the Cisco Unity Server 4.0(x) with Unified Messaging and the Microsoft Exchange 2000 off-box when the limits policy for mailstores is changed to increase a default mailbox quota, the change does not take effect when a voicemail is left or checked. Warnings are given about limits, and messages cannot be forwarded through the Telephone User Interface (TUI).

This happens because the Cisco Unity server MailboxStore table in the Structured Query Language (SQL) still has the old limits, under MailboxWarningLimit, MailboxSendLimit, and/or MailboxSendReceiveLimit.


If the limits are accurately reflected in Active Directory, and Unity has no issues
communicating with it's Global Catalog server (GC), then a Total Resync with the GC should resolve this issue.

To perform a Total Resync with the GC:
Go to the \CommServer\TechTools folder (on the drive where Cisco Unity is installed).

  1. Open DohPropTest.exe and press the OK button.

  2. Press the Ignore button.

  3. Press the GC Monitor button.

  4. Press TotalResync.

  5. Monitor the Event Viewer Application Log until an information message, from CiscoUnity_DSGC, is generated.

    This message states that: "The Cisco Unity service that monitors the global catalog (AvDSGlobalCatalog) completed a full synchronization cycle."

    A full synchronization cycle is generated when the Application log starts, and one when the log finishes.

  6. Close the DohPropTest tools window.
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