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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

To verify that the login service is functioning properly, choose from one of these options:

  • Whenever there is a problem with the authentication of any user (either an Extension Mobility user or the application user ID), use the http:\\<server address>\ccmuser page to attempt to log in. If the login attempt fails, Extension Mobility will not work as expected.

  • Access the http:\\<server address>\LoginService\Tools\sampleloginapp.asp page and enter the appropriate values. The profile ID is the Extension Mobility device profile to log in. The sample login test eliminates any dependencies on the Cisco Customer Response Solutions (CRS) and Customer Response Applications (CRA) server and ensures that the directory service is working.


To resolve this issue, perform these steps:

  1. Check the application user ID and password on the CRA server.

  2.   Verify that the machine name is valid. If the server has an invalid character in the machine name, like an underscore (_), the logon service

        cannot resolve the  server name and will not work.

  3.  The only way to change the name of a Cisco CallManager server is to reinstall the CallManager service due to Structured Query Language (SQL)

       server limitations.

For more information on Extension Mobility issues, refer to these documents:

Problem Type

Call control software  (CallManager, CallManager Express, ICS7750, SRST, SS7 call agents)

IP phones and other clients  (Client registration, faulty IP phone, etc.)

Call Control


CallManager Features

Extension mobility and services

IP Phones and Clients

IP phone error messages

Failure Type

Error message

Cannot login or logout

When Problem Occurs

During login or logout

After entering username and password

End Where Problem is Heard or Device Type Involved

IP phone

IP Phone Errors

App authentication error

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