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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

The default number of records that an Active Directory (AD) search returns is 1,000. If there are more than 1,000 records of users in your corporate directory, some of them are not displayed on the web page.


To increase the number of users displayed, increase the default AD search limit or add users to a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) entry.

  • To increase the default AD search limit, perform these steps:      
    1. Log into the AD server using an administrator account and open a command prompt.         
    2. At the command prompt, type ntdsutil and press Enter. The command prompt changes to nudsutil:.        
    3. Type LDAP Policies and press Enter. The command prompt changes to ldap policy:.        
    4. Type connections and press Enter. The command prompt changes to server connections:.        
    5. Type this command, where name is the Domain Name System (DNS) of the AD server on which you are entering the command:         

      connect to server %name%     

      Press Enter to bind to the AD server.      

    6. Type q and press Enter. The command prompt changes to ldap policy:.        
    7. Type Show Values, press Enter and determine the current setting for MaxPageSize.              
    8. Type this command and press Enter to increase the MaxPageSize limit, where limit is the new limit to set:        

      set MaxPageSize to limit      

    9. Type Commit Changes and press Enter.         
    10. Type Show Values, press Enter and confirm the change to the MaxPageSize setting.        
    11. Type q and press Enter until the original Windows command prompt appears.         
    12. Stop and restart the CiscoCRSServletEngine service. 
  • To add users to the LDAP entry, perform these steps:    
    1. To modify this LDAP entry, use a tool like Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) Edit:         

      Cisco > CCN Apps > Configurations > usergroup.xxxxxxx/users?array       

    2. Add users to the property CiscoCCNatConfigInfoCESValue in this LDAP entry. Enter users in this format, where (1) specifies administrator access and (2) specifies supervisor access:        

      userID(1) or userID(2)

For more information on resolving Cisco Customer Response Applications (CRA) or Customer Response Solution (CRS), refer to these documents:

Customer Response Solution (CRS) Version

CRS 3.x

Customer Response Solutions (CRS) Administration

CRA user management

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