Core Issue
A Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) gateway, which receives its configuration through Cisco CallManager, receives bad, incorrect or absurd values (Input Gain = External) from CallManager. A database corruption could cause the gateway to receive the incorrect values. The corruption may have occurred during the installation of the Active Directory (AD) plugin for Cisco CallManager.
The setup is described as Cisco CallManager running version 3.3.20 with Service Pack B (SPB). The Telephony operating system is 2003.2.5 SR1 and is Active Directory integrated.
To resolve AD, Microsoft provides support tools on the Win2K Server and Advanced Server CDs in Support and Tools. To install them, run the setup.
For general AD diagnostics, netdiag.exe and dcdiag.exe files are two of the best. They generate netdiag.log and dcdiag.log files, which provide information on trusts, Domain Name Systems (DNSs), Network Basic Input and Output System (NetBIOS) names, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/IP details and more.
Nltest.exe is a quick way to return network information such as a computer's site, site coverage and a list of DCs in the domain. You can also use it to query the domain trusts. For replication issues, Replication Monitor and repadmin.exe are invaluable. Most of the time, an Error code 3
message points to a problem with the file replication services, which are common in early releases of Windows 2000.
For more information, refer to these documents: