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Level 11
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Created by: Ryan Burtch on 21-09-2013 02:57:27 PM

I know this is a bit off the beaten path for this forum, but I'm looking for a way to save ICM Scripts.  I know how to export them, but they are only able to be opened in an ICM instance with the same CallTypes, DNs, etc.

Does anyone have a better way of saving the content from your ICM scripts?  I'm hoping that I'm not going to have to add comments next to each node with the config listed.

Subject: RE: Best Way to Save ICM Scripts
Replied by: Hemal Mehta on 23-09-2013 07:26:35 AM
Yes, you can only open with Script editor.  The information is all stored with the DB on the HDS. You can import them into a different HDS set up, however it will complain about the variables defined etc if they are not defined on the new HDS.

Subject: Re: New Message from Hemal Mehta in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - General D
Replied by: Ryan Burtch on 23-09-2013 12:42:04 PM
Thanks Hemal.


Ryan Burtch

On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 8:26 AM, Cisco Developer Community Forums <> wrote:

> Hemal Mehta has created a new message in the forum "General Discussion -
> All Versions":
> -------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, you can
> only open with Script editor.  The information is all stored with the DB on
> the HDS. You can import them into a different HDS set up, however it will
> complain about the variables defined etc if they are not defined on the new
> HDS.
> --
> To respond to this post, please click the following link:
> suspicious r simply reply to this email.
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