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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

The Subscriber Feature Proxy (SFP) does not automatically load default configurations when started for the first time.


Perform these steps when the SFP is installed for the first time:

  1. Log in to the SFP Command Line Interface (CLI) and issue the commit command.


       Note: If you see commit N/A, as in this example, proceed to step 2.

   commit  N/A

If there is a version number next to commit, as in this example, it means there is default data. In this case, proceed to step 3.

commit  5

2. To load the default configuration issue the /dssfp-SFP>load -f <filename command.

Note: The filename is located in your install_dir/cfg.

3. If you have default data but still cannot process traffic, check that the listener is configured properly:

    1.  Under the SFP CLI context transport-mgmt, issue the listen command:

/dssfp-SFP>context transport-mgmt

   2.  If the listener is not set under the transport-mgmt context, issue the listen "-i" <ip> ["-p" <port>] ["-t" <transport>] ["-d" <direction>] command.

       Note: When the listen command is issued without parameters, the current configuration is displayed. This is a sample output for this command:

[transport-mgmt]>listen -i -p 7890 -t UDP -d internal
Configuration successful.
listen -i -p 7890 -t UDP -d i

For additional information, refer to the Configuring the Server to Receive SIP Messages and Connection Management Configuration sections of the Subscriber Feature Proxy 3.1 Admin Guide.

Problem Type

Voice applications  (CRS, PA, CCM Plugins, CER, CCC, MeetingPlace, etc.)

Common Software and Product Issues

Problems after installing software or rebuilding/reinstalling server

Failure Type

Nothing happens

Voice Applications

Call Session Control Platform (CSCP)

Call Session Control Platform Products

Subscriber Feature Proxy (SFP)

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