This document was generated from CDN thread Created by: Tommy Johansson on 31-05-2010 01:12:52 PM Hi,Is there a command that cancels an ongoing dialup process? I.e. someone calls a number but quickly realizes it’s the wrong one and wants do stop the dialup process before someone answers in the other end.I´ve used "xCommand keypress key: cancel" earlier, but it doesn’t seem to do the trick any more./TommySubject: RE: Cancel Dial command Replied by: David Bruun-Lie on 31-05-2010 01:45:57 PMHi Tommy,using the key-commands is generally not the way to do things and is discouraged by us.What you should do is keep track of the callId's for calls and use them as parameter inputs to commands that addresses calls. In your example you would use the xCommand Call Disconnect command to disconnect an ongoing call (connected or not)Example:1xCommand Call DisconnectAll CallId: 323