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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

This issue is addressed in Cisco bug ID CSCsg14722.

This issue affects Cisco CallManager version 4.2(3).


In order to resolve this issue, perform these steps:

  1. Check the PhoneTemplateModelMap table for the tkModel 115 (Standard 7941) and take a copy of the value from this row for fkPhoneTemplate.
    For example, {FFDBF136-25B1-4A5B-9BE9-F79F6B7C5BE4}.

  2. In order to confirm that defect CSCsg14722 is actually hit, run this Structured Query Language (SQL) query, and replace the value for fkPhoneTemplate with the newly identified value.:

    SELECT * FROM PhoneButton
    WHERE (fkPhoneTemplate = '{FFDBF136-25B1-4A5B-9BE9-F79F6B7C5BE4}')

    If only one row is returned, then Cisco bug ID CSCsg14722 was hit.

  3. Either manually create a new line in the PhoneButton table in the SQL for the second line of the Standard 7941, or run this SQL query and replace {FFDBF136-25B1-4A5B-9BE9-F79F6B7C5BE4} with the newly identified value of fkPhoneTemplate:

    INSERT INTO PhoneButton VALUES ('{B0756BE7-A88E-42C5-8564-DF4772AB02DC}', '{FFDBF136-25B1-4A5B-9BE9-F79F6B7C5BE4}', 2, 9, 'Line', 2, 0, '', '', 0, '{D80557E6-EB0E-44E5-A2FA-5B16CB041931}')

  4. Run this SQL command again:

    SELECT * FROM PhoneButton WHERE (fkPhoneTemplate = '{FFDBF136-25B1-4A5B-9BE9-F79F6B7C5BE4}')

Ideally, this command returns two rows.

Problem Type

Call control software (CallManager, CallManager Express, ICS7750, SRST, SS7 call agents)

IP phones and other clients (Client registration, faulty IP phone, etc.)

Call Control


CallManager Features

Bad operational behavior, status,information, performance, delay or other CCM failure

IP Phones and Clients

IP phone error messages

Failure Type

Error message

Cannot create, add, assign, calculate, modify, update, record, delete, eliminate,hide, remove, purge, save or extend

End Where Problem is Heard or Device Type Involved

IP phone

IP Phone Errors

Error No. -2146828282 (0x800a0006): Overflow error message

User Features

Second line

CallManager Versions

CallManager 4.x

Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) Port

Phone button template

IP Phone Models



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