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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

The user object in the DC Directory makes reference to a profile that does not exist. Instead, there is a profile object that has extra digits in the profile name.

This is an example of the error message:

Could not delete user.  UserID="username",  Error No: -2700, Error Description:  Delete of User Failed.

When attempting to view a global directory user from the CCMAdmin, this error is encountered:

The following error occurred while trying to load the requested page.  Error No: -2800, Error Description:  Error getting the User information.

This occurs with multiple users but not ALL users in the system.

The issue occurs if somebody manually deletes the profiles for a user from the Cisco Base. For example, the user "sAMAccountName=Username" has a pointer to a profile that is deleted and moved to the deleted container.


In order to resolve the issue, you need to correct the references in the User object.

To clean up these users, you need to go into an Active Directory (AD) tool such as Active Directory Services Interface (ADSI) and edit each faulty user and remove the attributes ciscoatUserProfile and ciscoatUserProfileString.

Once you do this, you should be able to successfully delete the user in CCMAdmin.

Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide for Cisco CallManager for more information.

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