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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

Some users see users like the ac user, jtapi user, and so forth when they access the corporate directory.


Complete these steps to hide the users from the corporate directory:

If integrated with the Data Connection Directory (DC Directory)

  1. Cut and paste these four lines into a text file called hideuser.ldif. Save this file in the C: drive of the publisher CallManager server.

    Note: Ensure that the spaces display as this output shows. There should not be any extra spaces in the LDIF file.

    dn: cn=[userid],ou=users,

    changeType: modify

    replace: Description

    Description: CiscoPrivateUser

  2. Set the [userid] to be the user you would like to hide.

    This example is for the UserID ctifw:

    dn: cn=ctifw,ou=users,

    changeType: modify

    replace: Description

    Description: CiscoPrivateUser

  3. Run this command from a cmd prompt on the publisher CallManager server in order to set the description field in DC Directory:
    ldapmodify -h  -p 8404 -D "cn=Directory
    Manager," -w  -c -f hideuser.ldif

If Integrated with Active Directory (AD) 2000

  1. Cut and paste these four lines into a text file called hideuser.ldif and save this file on the AD server:

    dn: cn=[userid], CN=users, dc=[domain], dc=com

    changeType: modify

    replace: Description

    Description: CiscoPrivateUser

  2. Execute this command  on the AD server:

    ldifde -i -f hideuser.ldif

If Integrated with AD 2003

  1. Copy these five lines  into a text file and replace the [userid] with the userid of the user that you need to hide. Replace the [domain] with your domain and save this file on the AD server as hideuser.ldif.

    Note: Notice  the - (hyphen) after the four lines. This is required in AD 2003 and has changed from AD 2000.

    dn: cn=[userid], CN=users, dc=[domain], dc=com

    changeType: modify

    replace: Description

    Description: CiscoPrivateUser


  2. Execute this command on the AD server:

    ldifde -i -f hideuser.ldif

Note: Hiding the users from corporate directory will also hide the users from global directory in Callmanager.

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