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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

The reason for this issue is that ATA Port 2 is not registered in Cisco CallManager,    and it is not disabled on the ATA. As a result, when ATA Port 2 attempts to register in Cisco CallManager, Cisco CallManager rejects the registration request.

The error message in the Cisco CallManager event log will be similar to :

Error: DeviceTransientConnection - Transient connection attempt.
  Connecting Port: 2000
  Device name [Optional].: SEP08a3d31f6d01
  Device IP address.:
  Device type. [Optional]: 7
  Reason Code [Optional].: 1
  App ID: Cisco CallManager
  Cluster ID: HILLCCM01-Cluster
  Node ID:

  Explanation: A connection was established and immediately dropped    before completing registration. Incomplete registration may indicate a device    is rehoming in the middle of registration. The alarm could also indicate a device    misconfiguration, database error, or an illegal/unknown device trying to attempt    a connection.

  Recommended Action: No action is required if this event was    issued as a result of a normal device rehome.


In order to resolve this issue, you need to either configure the second port in the Cisco CallManager or disable it on the ATA.

  • Disable the second analog Foreign Exchange Station (FXS) port on the ATA - Set the field EPID1 or SID1 to 0 (zero).
  • Disable the first analog FXS port on the ATA - Set the corresponding EPID0 or SID0 field to 0.

Use value 0 to disable the port(s) you are not using:

  • EPID0 or SID0 for Line 1 or Port 1      
  • EPID1 or SID1 for Line 2 or Port 2.

Refer to Adding the Cisco ATA to the Cisco CallManager for more information on a range of configuration field settings, including the one mentioned here.

SIDx specifies whether to enable the Phone 1 and/or Phone 2 ports on the Cisco ATA to register with Cisco CallManager. (EPIDx is not for SCCP.) SIDx can be one of these values:

  • 0 - Disables the port. The port does not attempt to register with Cisco CallManager.
  • . or - Uses the default Skinny ID, which is the Cisco ATA MAC address (MAC) for the Phone 1 port and MAC[1-5]+01 for the Phone 2 port. The port attempts to register with Cisco CallManager.

        For example, if the MAC address of the Cisco ATA is 00012D01073D, then SID0 is 00012D01073D and SID1 is 012D01073D01.       
  • Other values are reserved.

Refer to the EPID0orSID0 and EPID1orSID1 section of Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Telephone Adaptor-Parameters and Defaults for information on ATA ports.

Problem Type

Call control software  (CallManager, CallManager Express, ICS7750, SRST, SS7 call agents)

Call Control


CallManager Features

Bad operational behavior, status,information, performance, delay or other CCM failure

Failure Type

Error message

Cannot connect to server, disconnect, register, synchronize, communicate, etc.

Bad operational behavior

Drops out, times out, flaps, toggles, hangs, gets stuck, locks up, loops, temporary pause, stops responding, cuts short, etc.

Frequency and Scope of Symptom

Occurs intermittently

Troubleshooting Tools

Application event viewer or other event log

CallManager Errors


Signaling Protocol

SCCP (skinny)

CallManager Versions

CallManager 3.2

CallManager 3.3

CallManager 4.0

CallManager 4.1

Voice Gateways

ATA 180 Series Analog Telephone Adaptor

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