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Arun Rajendran
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


This document is meant to help you with Cisco CWMS update. This document does not describe how to perform CWMS update, rather it lists some basic check points which needs to be followed before and after CWMS Update. Most cases of CWMS update failure can be addressed by following this documentation.

For detailed documentation on how to do CWMS Update. You can refer to CWMS update guide for your respective version

Pre requisite

Cisco CWMS Deployment.

This document is primarily meant for single Data center update, although most points are applicable for dual data center as well.

Update Check points

  • CWMS update is performed using ISO files. You can download them from CCO. Please ensure that MD5sum/checksum is verified once the ISO is downloaded to your PC. You can find the checksum values by hovering your cursor over the file to be downloaded.
  • Ensure NTP is configured and synchronized on all hosts, if the NTP's are not running or not in sync on all hosts update will definitely fail. If you find NTP not running for a host, please make sure that it is configured. You can follow the procedure mentioned under the section configuring the ESXi Host to Use an NTP Server on Administration guide. CWMS machines should be placed in maintenance mode and shutdown while the changes are made.
  • On Administration page, under system properties ensure that all virtual machines are in good state, indicated by green tick mark.
  • If you have HA deployment ensure that the DB replication status is Active. From CWMS version 2.5 and above replication status is visible from Administration dashboard.

  • Enable remote support account from Remote Support account option under support and save the passphrase and username to a notepad. In case of a total system failure after update, this information can be used for accessing system via command line.
  • Ensure that that the underlying hardware is the one recommended by Cisco. It’s also important that virtual machine co-residency should be exactly as per CWMS design guide lines. You can find these guide lines listed under the chapter WebEx System Requirements on CWMS planning guide.

Important: You should remove all pre-existing snapshots before update and take fresh snapshots of all virtual machines. Keeping active snapshots on a CWMS Virtual machine, for a long period is not recommended.

Note: Your CWMS deployment should be placed in maintenance mode and all virtual machines should be shutdown, before creating or deleting snapshots. If you have snapshots older than a few weeks, it might take a few hours to remove them. Please plan accordingly.

  • The ISO file used for update should be uploaded to the data-store on which Primary Admin virtual machine is located.

Important: Do not close the browse window from which you are initializing the update, that page will be updated as per the status of the update.

  • Ideally an update can take up to 1-2 hours. If it goes beyond that that with no progress on the update status on admin console we might need to investigate.
  • Ensure that all required firewall ports are open between virtual machines. You can refer to Port Access in the Internal Firewall section on CWMS planning guide.
  • Once update is completed successfully and test meetings are successful, place the system in maintenance mode, shutdown all virtual machines and delete snapshots.

Update failure Analysis

  • In case of an update failure, If the Administration page is still functioning, please collect overall system logs for the update duration from logs section under Support page for failure analysis.
  • Logs should be download from the system before reverting system to snapshots.
  • If you extract overall system logs you will find logs from Primary Admin virtual machine, within Primary Admin logs there will be upgrade logs and we can use these logs for initial failure analysis. A detailed explanation of log analysis is beyond the scope of this document.




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