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Shawn Ford
Community Member



    Cisco Unity Visual Messaging Interface The Cisco Unity Visual Messaging Interface (VMI) website lets subscribers listen to, compose, reply to, forward, and delete voice messages from a "virtual" Inbox. A subscriber can access Cisco Unity VMI at the following URL: http://<server name>/web/vmi. Note that the Cisco Unity VMI is not available across a firewall.


    To view the Cisco Unity VMI pages, the computer that a subscriber uses to access the site must be configured so that:


    •Microsoft Internet Explorer allows the scripting of Java applets and Active Scripting, and has Java permissions enabled.


    •If the virus scanner scans downloaded files, it scans only program files.


    When accessing Cisco Unity VMI over a modem connection for the first time, note that the Cisco Unity VMI file is more than 1 MB in size and, therefore, may take longer for a subscriber to download than expected. Detailed instructions on using Cisco Unity VMI are available to subscribers in online Help.

    The Cisco Unity VMI is a class of service licensed feature. For information on setting it up for subscribers, refer to the "Class of Service Licensed Features Settings" section in the "Class of Service Settings" chapter of the Cisco Unity System Administration Guide. The guide is available on at Cisco Unity Maintain and Operate Guides. Establish trusts across domains so that subscribers do not have to log on each time that they want to play a message.


    The Cisco Unity VMI is a system key-controlled feature and can be accessed only if it is purchased.

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