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CMS Edge & Cisco Expressway

• CB selects the TURN for the clients

• CB randomly selects max 3 TURN servers and sends the details to the client

• Client forms a TURN binding with all 3 TURN but sends media thru only one

• All TURN servers must be of same capacity for CB/CBG it is associated with

• CB doesn’t know TURN capacities, so admin must do the capacity planning well

• With no XMPP service, session stickiness is not needed anymore. So LB might not be needed

How CMS Software Works

• CMS not designed to give hardware or process level isolation based on the interface

• CMS is not designed to connect to different networks of trust levels (e.g., DMZ & Intranet)

• CMS software is not designed to handle attacks which spans between interfaces

• Once CMS software gets compromised, access to all interfaces CMS is connected to is available

Some Points to Remember

• CMS Edge is not Expressway with Inside and Outside Interfaces

• CMS Edge must connect to only 1 network (DMZ)

• Updating CMS routing table just enables routing to two networks, it doesn’t give the process level isolation expected from a DMZ device

• CMS Edge does not work the same way Expressway works in a DUAL NIC deployment

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