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Cedric Van Labeke
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Here are the steps to install and use the latest VXC 6215 firmware.

1. Download the latest package from

2. Extract the zip-file somewhere on your computer. You will end up with a folder structure like this:

  • 6215-9.2.1-datetime-template/ (Folder)
  • 6215-9.2.1-datetime-template.rsp (File)

This is basically your package. Once it's imported in VXC Manager, it will be copied to c:\inetpub\ftproot\Rapport\<package name>

3. Open the RSP file in notepad and edit it the description (minimum requirement) and the Category.:


; This RSP should be used for VXC 6215 9.x --> 9.x upgrades.

; For VXC 6215  8.x --> 9.x upgrades refer to section "Update the Cisco VXC 6215 firmware to Release 9.0" in

; the Administration Guide for Cisco Virtualization Experience Client 6215 Firmware Release 9.0

; It is required that you always have a different package name for every new package to be deployed.

; We recommend you use the current Date-Time in the package name to enforce this requirement.

; The package name must match the Number entry in the RSP file


Description=9.2.1 Load for users with VXME


Category=Cisco VXC 6215



RP "<regroot>"

EX "/usr/bin/perl /sbin/dhcp2registry"

EX "/usr/sbin/thinclient-config --set-update-mode both"

EX "/usr/sbin/thinclient-config --set-force-image-update no"

EX "/usr/sbin/thinclient-config --set-preserve-changes yes"

EX "sync"

EX "(test -e /usr/sbin/imageupgrade && imageupgrade; exit 0)"

EX "(! test -e /usr/sbin/imageupgrade && (sleep 10; /sbin/reboot)&)"

4. Edit the wlx.ini file to your own wishes.

In the directory 6215-9.2.1-datetime-template/ go down to the wlx/ folder and edit the wlx.ini file.

Use the latest ini reference guide to build-up your wlx.ini files:

Here's an example file from the TAC lab:


; Preserving changes will keep any registry changes or changes in the /etc/ directory.


; Update both the add-ons and the image.


; The default mode that the logged in user gets.


; The order the thin client starts up.


; Timezoning


Timeformat="24-hour format"

TimeZone="Europe/Amsterdam" ManualOverride=1

; Have num lock enabled by default.


; Disable the screen saver.


; Disable the thin client going to sleep.


; Add-ons


; Enable VNC


; Do not use authentication when establishing a VNC session.


; Do not prompt for the user to accept the VNC session.



; XenDesktop


Description="Production Citrix" \

URL= \

AutoConnect=no \

Mode=Kiosk \


; VMware View


Description="Production View" \

Host="" \

DomainName="DCN.Lab" \

AutoConnect=no \

Ping=yes \


; Xterm Icon on Desktop


Description="xterm" \


5. Copy the addons referenced in the "InstallAddons=" ini-line to the addons folder.

VXME addon:

xterm addon:

6. Your package is now ready to be imported in VXC Manager.

7. In VXC Manager, right click Package Manager:

Screen Shot 2013-07-03 at 15.15.36.png

Select new package...

Choose "Register a package from a script file (.RSP)":

Screen Shot 2013-07-03 at 15.16.48.png

Browse to the path where your package is (the folder on your PC you've been working in):

Screen Shot 2013-07-03 at 15.17.31.png

Press next and leave Active checked else you will not be able to use it.

Press next and let it register:

Screen Shot 2013-07-03 at 15.18.57.png

Screen Shot 2013-07-03 at 15.19.19.png

This is the moment where the package you built is being copied to c:\inetpub\ftproot\Rapport\<package name>.

Screen Shot 2013-07-03 at 15.20.10.png

Your package is now ready for use.

Under Package Manager you will see a couple of folders. The names of the folders are already there or are created by using a name in the RSP file for "CATEGORY=". We choose "Cisco VXC 6215".

Now you can right-click one of your devices and push the package to it:

Screen Shot 2013-07-03 at 15.22.21.png

Select the package you created and then select "Now" at the last screen followed by Next:

Screen Shot 2013-07-03 at 15.23.18.png

Important: Now doesn't mean "Now" as some of us might think it is. It means that the package is scheduled to be executed now. Not that the VXC client will get it Now.

Whenever the device checks in, it will find that there's a new scheduled package for it and it will execute it. To force it, you can reboot the client (in a proper way!!! It needs to go through the shutdown scripts, so do not power off the client and power it back on by plugging the cord!!!). A quicker way can be to right click the device and select "Refresh Device Information". This should also force the client to do a new check-in.

Important: When the client is rebooting to perform this upgrade, please do not touch it. Let it do its thing. This can take a few minutes. When you are presented with a window to login, please do not login. When the upgrade has finished successfully, you will automatically login to the desktop. Never login. Just let it do its thing.

8. Your client is now upgraded to the new firmware and you can view that in the right column in device manager:

Screen Shot 2013-07-03 at 15.28.31.png

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