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Paula Talamo
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee



This document answers frequently asked questions we hear on the TelePresence TAC team and Licensing team regarding the enforced licensing starting in CTS-Manager 1.7.  Please note the document links at the bottom of this document are the official references for CTS-Manager licensing documentation.


Q. What licenses are required in 1.7 and which are optional?

A. Room Licenses are required and Feature Based Licenses are optional to enable that feature.  The following are additional optional features:

  • Reporting & Metrics Dashboard
  • Sheduling API


View the CTS-Manager admin guide for information regarding what licensed features are available in your specific version:




Q. How do l see how many room licenses I have on a pre 1.7 CTS-Manager server?

A. Room licenses could not be uploaded to the server until 1.7 so there is no reference to this in the software of CTS-Manager before 1.7.  Refer to your sales or purchase order to see how many room licenses you have purchased.


Q. In what increments are room licenses available?

A. Licenses are available in groups of 10, 50, and 100 rooms.


Q. How do I obtain licenses for a new installation of CTS-Manager?

A. Refer to the instructions in the Administration and Installation Guide for “New Customers” – you will need your Product Authorization Key (PAK) and your server’s License MAC address.


Q. How do I obtain licenses for an upgrade of CTS-Manager after the upgrade?

A. Follow the instructions in the Administration and Installation Guide for “Existing Customers”.  You will be prompted through instructions on how to get the upgrade license.  After following the instructions and entering the information into the license request tool, you should receive a license file within one hour.


Q. Can I obtain the room license file for an upgrade of CTS-Manager before the upgrade?

A.You can request license files before the upgrade by emailing the Global Licensing Team (GLO) at  You will need to provide the following: Cisco sales order number or purchase order number for proof of purchase.


Q. How are new licenses delivered to customers?

A. There are two types of part numbers which are available with different delivery methods:

  1. Delivery with a physical paper claim certificate usually included with an order for new customers with the server - LIC-CTS-MAN-10, LIC-CTS-MAN-50, LIC-CTS-MAN-100 or the spares part numbers with the = at then end.  Typical lead time for these are 10-15 days plus shipping duration.
  2. E-Delivery (via email) PDF document using L-LIC-CTS-MAN-10=, L-LIC-CTS-MAN-50=, L-LIC-CTS-MAN-100=.  This option is recommended for customers adding new licenses to an existing system.  This option has a short lead time and no shipping as delivery is handled via email.


Q. How do I locate the MAC address of the CTS-Manager server?

A. Login to the GUI and go to Troubleshoot > System Information  <or> obtain the License MAC address from the command line interface (CLI) by typing show status.


Important Note: Copy the MAC address exactly with all letters capitalized!  Lower case letters submitted with a license request will cause your license to fail.  (Typically indicated by Code: 502910 - INVALID_LICENSE - Invalid license specified )

Q. How do I order more room licenses or Licensed Features?

A. Refer to the CTS-Manager Administration and Installation guide for the two options:


Q. What will happen if I upgrade or install and do not add the room licenses?

A. If no room licenses are installed, configured rooms will not be subscribed to CTS-manager and you will be unable to schedule meetings with those rooms.

If not enough room licenses are installed, configured rooms over the license limit will not be subscribed to CTS-Manager and you will be unable to schedule meetings with those rooms.


Q. If I upgrade to 1.7, does this include the Metrics Dashboard and Reporting feature?

A. 1.7 is the first version to introduce optional licensed features.  You will need to purchase a license to enable this set of features.


Q. Do the Metrics Dashboard and Reporting  API features each require a license?

A. The Metrics Dashboard and Reporting API requires only one feature license which enables both items.  These are not available separately.


Q. I have enabled the Metrics Dashboard and Reporting API through licensing.  Why am I not seeing any data?

A. Historical data previous to turning on this feature will not be reported on.  For new data, allow 24 to 48 hours for data to accumulate and be processed by the server maintenance cycles to be reported.


Q. What if I don’t receive the license file after one hour or have problems uploading the license file?

A. Contact Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC).


Q. After installing/upgrading to CTS-Manager 1.7 and installing the licenses, how do I verify what licenses are installed?

A. Go to Configure > Licenses > License Files.  A valid license will be listed with a status of "LICENSE_VALID".


Q. What if the number of room licenses I receive does not match the total licenses purchased?

A. Email with the information about your license and your proof of purchase.  Include your Cisco sales order number or purchase order number.


Q. Does CTS-Manager support scheduling for the former TANDBERG named endpoints?

A. Yes - with the 1.7 release, these endpoints can be scheduled as a Video Conferencing (VC) endpoint.


Q. Do Video Conferencing (VC) rooms require a room license?

A. Yes - a room license is required for any VC room that is going to be scheduled with CTS-Manager.  Both TelePresence (CTS) and VC endpoints come from the same pool of purchased room licenses.  To read more about configuring video conferencing room, see


Q. Can current license files be migrated to new server hardware?

A. Licenses are tied to the MAC address of the server.  A new license will need to be requested with the new MAC address if the hardware is replaced.


Q. Are license files stored in backups?

A. License files are bundled as part of backup.  The restore process restores the backed-up license files to CTS-Manager server with the same system Host ID (MAC address).  See


Q. I am a partner and purchased a Not For Resell version of CTS-Manager.  Are we entitled to a 1.7 room license?

A. Yes - any partner using a Not For Resell system is entitled to a CTS-Manager 1.7 room license file for 10 rooms.  Partners should use the built-in Getting An Upgrade License feature as discussed or contact


Commercial Express Bundle Licensing Questions

Q. Is a TelePresence Product license required for the Commercial Express Bundle?

A. Yes - a license file for the Commercial Express bundle is required for operation of CTS-Manager, CTMS and CTRS.  The license file is installed on the CTS-Manager which then will pass licensing activation to the CTMS and CTRS applications.  For additional information, reference this link:


Q. What is the difference between the physical server MAC address and the Licensing MAC address?

A. Customers deploying the Commercial Express bundle on VMWare need to take care that only the licensing MAC address is used for licensing which is a software generated address created for use with Virtual OS installations.



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