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Cisco Employee

CUCM DB Replication Troubleshoot – Things to Verify

CUCM uses Informix as its database and its copy is spread across the nodes in a full mesh topology. Understanding the concepts and diagnosing the issue is a bit of a challenge. This document is an attempt to bring all the diagnostic commands, verification, and troubleshooting steps related to DB in one place.



Verifying DB replication from Admin CLI

Verifying DB replication using RTMT

Verifying DB replication from Cisco Unified Reporting

Logs To Collect For Deep Dive Analysis


Verifying DB replication from Admin CLI

Utils dbreplication runtimestate



RTT between the servers.  This value has be to within 80ms for the network to be in compliance as per SRND.



DB = A Cisco DB

RPC = A Cisco DB Replicator – Remote Procedure call for database service

DbMon = Cisco Database Layer Monitor

Make sure entries for the above parameters are in the “Y” state for all the nodes.


Replication Queue

The value represents the amount of data that is in the queue for a particular node, verify if any of the nodes is having an abnormal value compared to other nodes


Verifying the replication status of the node using Perf Query Command

show perf query class "Number of Replicates Created and State of Replication"


The above command must be issued to all the subject nodes as it displays the result of one node at a time.


Verifying the process node entries are populated correctly

run sql select * from processnode



Running Diagnose test on the system

Utils diagnose test



Verifying the network configuration of the system

 Show network eth0 all



Verify the DNS resolution for the subject hosts are working

Utils network host  <FQDN/hostname>



Verify the cluster communication is in good shape

Show network cluster



Make sure the DB replication port is open and in listen state

Show open ports regexp 1515



Make sure the critical services are up and running

 Utils service list



Database Replication Setup States


Initialization State

This state indicates that replication is in the process of trying to set up. Being in this state for a period longer than an hour could  indicate a failure in setup.


Number of Replicates is not correct

This state is rarely seen in 6.x and 7.x but in 5. x can indicate it's still in the setup process. Being in this state for a period longer than  an hour could indicate a failure in setup.


Replication is good

Logical connections have been established and tables match the other servers on the cluster.


Tables are suspect

Logical connections have been established but we are unsure if the tables match.

In 6.x and 7.x all servers could show state 3 if one server is down in  the cluster.

This can happen because the other servers are unsure if there is an update to a user-facing feature that has not been passed from that sub to the other device in the cluster.


Setup Failed / Dropped

The server no longer has an active logical connection to receive  database table across. No replication is occurring in this state.


Database Replication Stages

If you initiate the database replication rebuild command or if the system triggered an automatic reset, it will go through the below-mentioned stages to settle at setup completed.

1> Not Requested

2> waiting

3> Defining

4> Defined

5> Realizing

6> Syncing

7> Setup Completed


Verifying DB replication using  RTMT Tool 

Open RTMT with CUCM Publisher IP address

Go to Voice/Video > Service > Database Summary



The replication status for all the nodes is displayed in the bottom right corner



Verifying DB replication from Cisco Unified Reporting

Access the CUCM administration page and select Cisco Unified Reporting from the drop-down menu found in the top right corner.

Select System Reports and then click on Unified CM Database Summary from the left navigation pane

Make sure the highlighted data points are in good shape.













Log Analysis

file list activelog cm/trace/dbl date detail

Analyze the latest 3 files

  1. CDR define log
  2. CDR broadcast log
  3. Replication output broadcast log


Logs To Collect For Deep Dive Analysis

  • utils create report database
  • file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/*
  • file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/dbmon*
  • file get activelog cm/log/informix
  • file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/startrpc.log
  • file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/replication_scripts_output.log
  • file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/start.log
  • file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/runtimestate_*
  • file get activelog syslog/*
  • file get install system-history.log
  • file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/ReplicationStatus*
  • file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/DropAdminDB*
  • file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/forcedatasyncsub*
  • file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/DropAdminDB*
  • file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/rebuild
  • file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/dblrpc.err
  • file get activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/dbl_repl_output_util.log


Level 1
Level 1

This should be the official troubleshooting guide.

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