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CUCM Cluster with either:

  • Dedicated TFTP nodes (TFTP1 & TFTP2, Primary & Secondary)
  • Only certain nodes within cluster running TFTP services.

Requirements to upgrade specific device phone models with new firmware load version.


Limit loading additional files onto cluster nodes unnecessarily.

Limit increasing DRS backup size.

Improve load management moving forward.


1Upload desired COP install file to SFTP 
2Complete your desired cluster/node pre-checks 
3Note MD5 hash of new firmware COP file 
4Access CLI, console or SSH, of TFTP1 node (Primary) 
show status
CLI outputs current node status and basic details
show version active
CLI outputs current version and installed files
utils service list
CLI outputs current running services
show tech devdefaults
CLI outputs current device default firmware loads
utils system upgrade initiate
to begin update
CLI output
Warning: Do not close this window without first canceling the upgrade.
 1) Remote Filesystem via SFTP
 2) Remote Filesystem via FTP
 3) Local DVD/CD
 q) quit
Please select an option (1 - 3 or "q"
10Enter 1 for SFTP install 
11Enter SFTP server details:
Directory []:
Server []: <SFTP-IP>
User Name []: <username>
Password: <password>
Please enter SMTP Host Server (optional): 
CLI output
Checking for valid upgrades.  Please wait...
Available options and upgrades in """":
 1) cmterm-78xx.12-7-1-0001-393.k3.cop.sgn
 2) cmterm-8831-sip.10-3-1SR6-4.cop.sgn
 3) cmterm-8832-sip.12-7-1-0001-403.k3.cop.sgn
 4) cmterm-88xx-sip.12-7-1-0006-413.k3.cop.sgn
 q) quit
Please select an option (1 - 4 or "q"
12Enter corresponding number option to desired firmware fileCLI output
Accessing the file.  Please wait...
Downloaded 169 MB.
Checksumming the file...
Validating the file...
A system reboot is required when the upgrade process completes or is canceled.  This will ensure services affected by the upgrade process are functioning properly.
     Downloaded: cmterm-88xx-sip.12-7-1-0006-413.k3.cop.sgn
  File checksum : (MD5): f2:1d:34:e1:5a:28:fc:bb:70:dc:fb:06:04:af:26:3e
Start installation (yes/no):
13Compare and verify CUCM calculated MD5 hash matches 
to start the firmware install
The install begins, scrolling the log/output on CLI
15Installed completedCLI output
Successfully installed cmterm-88xx-sip.12-7-1-0006-413.k3.cop.sgn
Locale cmterm-88xx-sip.12-7-1-0006-413.k3.cop has been installed successfully.   A reboot is not necessary for the changes to take effect.
show version active
Verify desired firmware install file is present in output list
utils service list
Verify "Cisco Tftp" is continuing running on node
18Repeat steps 4-17 for TFTP2 (Secondary) 
19Repeat steps 4-17 for any additional TFTP nodes in cluster 
20Access CUCM Web GUI 
21Navigate to Device --> Device Settings --> Device Defaults 
22Update the "Load Information" for the pertaining Device Types (models) with newly installed firmware version and Save 
23Restart Cisco Tftp service on TFTP1 & TFTP2Verify the service is showing as started
24Restart Cisco Tftp service on any additional TFTP nodes in clusterVerify the service is showing as started
25Apply Config to the pertaining devices to push and upgrade phones to new firmware versionThis can be completed via BAT (Phone --> Update Phones --> Query)
26Monitor and allow time for phones to download/upgrade firmware 
27For all TFTP nodes return to CLI and run
show status
28For all TFTP nodes return to CLI and run
show version active
Verify desired firmware install file is present in output list
29For all TFTP nodes return to CLI and run
utils service list
Verify services are running as previously, including "Cisco Tftp"
30For all TFTP nodes return to CLI and run
show tech devdefaults
Verify new updated device default firmware loads listed for pertaining models
31Exit CLI 


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