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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

These issues are experienced with this problem:

  1. The Access denied attempting to launch a DCOM Server error message is received.
  2. The DC Directory (DCD) access fails on the subscriber.


To resolve this issue, perform these steps:

  1. Refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 290398 Access Denied When You Try to Start DCOM Server.
  2. Issue the cleandsa and avvid_scfg commands by performing this procedure:
    1. Choose Start > Run.
    2. At the prompt, enter cmd.
    3. Change the directory to C:\dcdsrvr\bin.
    4. Stop the DCD Services by right-clicking DC Directory Server and click Stop.
    5. At the prompt, enter cleandsa to clean the DCD server.
    6. Right-click DC Directory Server and click Start.
    7. At the prompt, enter avvid_scfg publisher | subscriber to reconfigure the DCD server on all subscriber servers, where publisher is the name of your publisher server and subscriber is the name of your subscriber server.
    8. At the prompt, enter avvid_restore to restore the DCD server data.
    9. Close the command prompt and Services Manager windows.

For more information on DCD issues, refer to the Add a New User Does Not  Work and You Cannot Access the DC Directory Administrator section of Directory Issues  (CallManager 4.0).

For other versions of CallManager, refer to the CallManager Troubleshooting Guides index,  select the appropriate troubleshooting guide and navigate to the Directory Issues chapter.

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