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Gurram Srikanth
Level 1
Level 1

The purpose of this document is to provide the procedure to deploy the UC with the help of answer files.

Answer file contains the information of the platform related configuration of the server which will be used during installation.

The information includes the following:

  1. Server IP address (publisher and subscribers), subnet mask default gateway.
  2. Administrator username and password.
  3. Certificate related details, etc…

This will be helpful for the voice administrator to install the server without his intervention.

There are two stages when an answer file can be used.

  1. Pre-deployed server to get installed.
  2. To modify the existing platform related configuration.

Procedure to install a pre-deployed server:

  1. Created a new VM and mounted the bootable iso image in the cd driver.
  2. Started the installation and skipped the disk check.
  3. After skipping the disk check the system prompted to continue the server installation.
  4. In the next step the system would prompt for platform configuration, we even get an option to skip the process of configuring the platform configuration.
  5. Here it is mandatory to skip the platform configuration.
  6. After skipping this option, the system would automatically continue the installation and at the end again it would prompt for an option to continue the platform configuration or cancel and halt the installation.
  7. We need to cancel the platform configuration and the system would halt.


At this stage we have to power off the Virtual machine and export the OVF template.

We have to use this template at the customer system and import the template.

Now depending on the customer network setup we need to configure the platform related configuration and create a virtual floppy image for the platformconfig.xml file.

Platform configuration can be created with the help of below link.


The procedure to create virtual floppy image is as follows:

  1. .Download and install Winimage .
  2. In Winimage, select File > New.
  3. Select 1.44 MB from Standard format and click OK.
  4. Import the platformConfig.xml file onto the Winimage window.
  5. Click Yes when prompted to inject the file into Winimage.
  6. Select File à Save As.
  7. Select Virtual floppy image from the Save as type dropdown list.
  8. Enter a file name and click Save.

Once the virtual floppy image is being build and OVF template is imported we could mount and turn on the VM so that the installation will go on without user intervention.


  1. We need to install the publisher first and wait till it gets installed completely.
  2. There should be network reachability for the subscribers to get installed successfully
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