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John Gutierrez
Level 1
Level 1

When I tried to make a call to another phone that it`s register in another CCME, should appear on my phone screen the name of the called party, but I don`t why it doesn`t work for me. What can I review on the configuration to fix this issue? Thanks


When a user tries to call another remote user registered to another Cisco Unified Callmanager Express, the called party appears as "To fake_Display" on the calling phone display while the call is getting connected.

This error message appears on the remote side phones due to the terminating gateway sending an alert message instead of a progress message after it receives a call setup message. This happens if the command voice call send-alert is enabled on the Cisco Unified Callmanager Express router.


This isssue is fixed in Cisco IOS version 12.4XC or later.

You can also try the following workaround to resolve the issue.

On the Cisco Unified Callmanager Express router, use the following command no voice call send-alert and then the terminating gateway will send a progress message after it receives a call Setup message.

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