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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

The issue is mostly caused by Domain Name System (DNS) issues in the Cisco CallManager Cluster.


In order to resolve the issue, make sure the hosts and lmhosts files are properly updated with the Cisco CallManager hostname and IP address information.

omplete these steps in order to resolve the issue:

  1. Ensure that the C:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts hosts file on the Publisher contains entries for both itself, the Publisher server, and the Subscriber server.

    Also, the hosts file in the Subscriber server must contain the same file. If not, edit the hosts file on both the Publisher and the Subscriber server and use the procedure mentioned in the Edit the Hosts File section of Configuring The IP Hosts File on a Windows 2000 CallManager Server.

  2. Issue these commands from the DOS prompt on both the Publisher and the Subscriber server:   
    •       IPCONFIG /flushdns   
    •        NBTSTAT -R


      Note: The upper case letter R is required.

  3.    Choose Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Component Services. Expand Component Services > Computers > My Computer > COM+ Applications. Right-click DBL, and choose shutdown. Right-click DBL, and choose start.

  4.    Open a DOS window and type iisreset. Then, make sure the Internet Information Services (IIS) admin and World Wide Web (WWW) services are in the started state.


Refer to these documents for more information:

Problem Type

Call control software  (CallManager, CallManager Express, ICS7750, SRST, SS7 call agents)

Call Control


CallManager Features

Bad operational behavior, status,information, performance, delay or other CCM failure

Common Software and Product Issues

Installation problems

Failure Type

Error message

CallManager Versions

CallManager 4.2

CallManager 4.x

CallManager 4.0

CallManager 4.1

CallManager 5.x

CallManager 5.0

CallManager Distributed Call Processing

CallManager server

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