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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

There are some problems installing Cisco CallManager 3.3(2) on a Subscriber machine.  The Publisher has been upgraded to 3.3.2, then 3.3.3. This cluster uses the Netscape Directory plug-in. The fix for CSCdv02653 is applied, but that fix did not produce any results.


This issue is documented in the following Cisco Bug ID:CSCeb52723

To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. On the Publisher, verify that the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cisco Systems, Inc.\Directory Configuration\ DCDMGRPW registry key has a value of 0c0a000a2c101c1a100354615c. If it does not, open a DOS command prompt and type PasswordUtils ciscocisco123 to generate an encrypted password for ciscocisco123. The encrypted password will be 0c0a000a2c101c1a100354615c.
  2. Paste it into the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cisco Systems, Inc.\Directory Configuration\DCDMGRPW registry key. The Subscriber installation displays this error:

    ?Directory Install Failed? CCM subscriber Upgrade from 3.2(x) [Integrated with AD/Netscape] to 3.3(2)
    Append following to CLASSPATH environment variable
    C:\WINNT\java\lib\jtracing.jar;C:\WINNT\java\lib\ldapbp.jar;C:\WINNT\Java\Lib\D irUser.jar;
  3. Reboot the system after setting the CLASSPATH.

    This is required so that applications using DirUser.jar/DirUserNotification.jar can pick up the modified CLASSPATH. Frequently, the LMHOSTS files need to be recreated on the Subscriber and Publisher. Once this is done, the installation on the Subscriber is attempted again and is successful. If the LMHOSTS file does not use the same file that is given as a sample, create a new one.

  4. Refer to the remote registry to get the Publisher's IntegratedInstall version, which is The Subscriber's install version is different from Publisher's. Installation is aborted or cancelled.
  5. Change the value of IntegratedInstallVersion on the Publisher registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Cisco Systems, Inc.\Directory Configuration to Note: Make note of the existing value before changing it to Set the value the same as the version being installed on the Subscriber. If 3.3(2) is installed on the Subscriber, the IntegratedInstallVersion packaged with 3.3(2) is Verify this with any 3.3(2) server. This enables Cisco CallManager 3.3.2 to be installed on the Subscriber, as far as directory installation is concerned.
  6. Once the Subscriber installation is complete, reset the IntegratedInstallVersion on the Publisher to the original value and upgrade the subscriber to 3.3(3).

For more information, refer the related Cisco Bug CSCec19444.

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