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Level 7
Level 7






With the Cisco Communications Manager Express (CME) deployment, when you  click the VOIP Monitoring Device tab in the web based Cisco  Desktop Administrator gets error:-


CDAUI2000 An error has occurred. Contact technical support.





Please follow the below steps in order to troubleshoot the error


  • Login to the Cisco CME router (through a hyper terminal or  telnet session) and enter the username and password.


  • Enter enable to Turn on the Privilege command.


  • Press the Return key.


  • You are prompted to authenticate your session; enter password: enable.


  • Press the Return key.


  • Enter Configure t.


  • Press the Return key (You enter the configuration mode  and are allowed to do the configuration changes on the CME router  through the terminal).


  • Execute the following commands to increase the buffer size from  4K to 64K:


    • ixi transport http
    • response size 64
    • no shutdown
    • request outstanding 1


  • Execute the write command on the CME router. This will  write the existing configuration details to the memory, network, or  terminal.


  • Launch the web based Cisco Desktop Administrator.


  • Go to: Services Configuration > Silent Monitoring and  Recording > VOIP Monitor Device.


  • After making the above changes, the phone devices should  be listed under VOIP Monitor Device.


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