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This document covers the frequently asked questions on Extension Mobility.


Q1: What are the services that need to be activated for Extension Mobility?

A: Cisco Call Manager, Cisco Tftp and Cisco Extension Mobility.


Q2: On pressing the Services button on the phone the EM Service does not show up, while other services do. What could probably be wrong?


• Check if you have created EM Service under the Phone Services
• Check if "Enable" check box on the EM phone service page is checked, else check it and press "Update Subscriptions" button.
• Check if the phone is subscribed to the EM Service
• Check the telecasterservice and the telecastersubscribedservice tables in the DB to check if the subscription is properly reflected in the DB.

Q3. On pressing the Services button on the phone the services do not show up. What should be done?


• Check that the Enterprise parameter (Phone URL Parameters > URL Services) is correctly entered
• If hostname has been used in the above URL, valid DNS should be configured which should also be reachable from the phone.
• Check if tomcat is running

If EM is the only service configured, also check the four steps mentioned in Q.2.


Q4. What needs to be done when "Device logon disabled" error message is displayed during EM login?

A: Check "Enable Extension mobility" check box under Extension information section on Device Configuration page.

Q5. Device is getting automatically logged out after certain amount of time. What needs to be done?

A: The service parameter "Enforce Maximum login time" must have been set to true. In that case user gets automatically logged out after the time specified in the service parameter "maximum login time". If this is not desirable, the service parameter "Enforce maximum login time" should be set to false.


Q6. What is Feature Safe on Phone Button Template?


Feature Safe on Phone Button Template—Phones can use any phone button template that has the same number of line buttons that the phone model supports.

• This allows the usage of the existing phone button template between different phone models if the base phone has the same button number and the phone model supports the same number of expansion modules, for example 7941 model can use the 7940 phone button template.
Extension Mobility Feature safe is available from 6.x onwards.


Feature Safe on Phone Button Template—For both SCCP and SIP protocols, the following Cisco Unified IP Phone models support the Feature Safe feature: 7931, 7941, 7941G-GE, 7942, 7945, 7961G-GE, 7962, 7965, 7975. For the SIP protocol only, the following Cisco Unified IP Phone models support the Feature Safe feature: 8961, 9951, 9971.


Note: Be aware that the Feature Safe on Phone Button Template feature does not support using an EM profile that is configured for a newer model on the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7960 or 7940.


Q7. What is Extension Mobility (EM) API?


• EM provides API for programmers / third-party applications to perform login and logout operations.
• The EM Service handles these API requests.
• The EM Service can be loaded by the Tomcat web server in any CallManager (PUB or SUB) by activating "Cisco Extension Mobility" service.
• Programmers can make use of this service, by sending the request XML (EM API) over HTTP.
• Since the EM Service is a Java based application, these API requests are platform-independent.


Q8. How to find out all the EM users in the Call Manager?


select distinct eu.userid from enduser eu,enduserdevicemap eudmap,device d where eu.pkid = eudmap.fkenduser and d.pkid = eudmap.fkdevice
and d.tkdeviceprofile = 1;

Q9. How to find if a particular device is logged in by any user?

A: Run the following query,
select logintime, fkenduser, fkdevice_currentloginprofile from extensionmobilitydynamic where fkdevice in (select pkid from device where name = 'SEPXXX')
If the logintime is null, it indicates that no user has logged into the device.


Q10. How to find out if EM is enabled on a particular device?

A: Run the following query,

select pkid, name, allowhotelingflag from device where name = 'SEPXXXX'

If the allowhotelingflag is 't', it indicates that EM is enabled on the device .


Q11. What needs to be done when Change pin error message is displayed during EM login?

A: User needs to go to the ccmuser page and change his pin. He can then login.

Q12. Device is getting automatically logged out after certain amount of time. What needs to be done?

A: The service parameter "Enforce Maximum login time" must have been set to true. In that case user gets automatically logged out after the time specified in the service parameter "maximum login time". If this is not desirable, the service parameter "Enforce maximum login time" should be set to false.


Q13. What is logout device profile?

A: On the phone configuration page, there is something called Logout profile which can be configured to the device profile that needs to get loaded on the phone when a user logs out.



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