- A web-based application for scheduling ,configuring and executing the generation of SI billing reports.
Java web service for retrieving, processing, and generating HCS SI reports in a Cisco common format.
- An automated service for transferring report files to Service Provider (SP) configured SFTP hosts at regular intervals.
- A backup repository for previously generated SI billing reports.
Service Inventory Feature Set
- Web-based administrative portal for configuring and scheduling daily report generation operations.
- Communicates via Secure SOAP protocol (over HTTPS) to CUCDM to request preliminary inventory data set.
- The data set contains information about the UC elements configured on CUCDM.
- Providers, resellers, customers, sites, subscribers, devices, lines, and features.
- SI processes the inventory data and generates an accurate SI Report according to the Cisco Service Inventory Common Format Specification
- SI also transfers, via SFTP, the final report output to up to 2 SP-configured SFTP hosts. (Typically billing servers in SP data center.) (2nd SFTP host is Optional)
- Report execution is daily (every 24 hrs) @ the configured time. Time is in GMT.
- SI retains backup copies of all final reports for a specified time period. Older files are removed automatically. This time period is configurable.
- Backup copies of all intermediate and temporary files generated during processing are also retained for logging/debugging purposes. These are aged-out according to the configured time period above also.
- Administration portal provides a mechanism for re-transfer of local backup copies (of final reports only) to the previously configured primary SFTP host.
Configure :-
- Login Page
- Sign-in with administrator username & password as configured on Linux OS.
- Configure Service Inventory host information
- Configure primary SFTP host information
- (Optional) Configure secondary SFTP host information
Set logging level
(Optional) Configure alert email information
(Optional) Configure additional report customization
Report Generation Process :-
- Report is scheduled and configuration saved by administrator
- At proper time, SI web service will “fire” and submit a SOAP request to CUCDM
- SI receives ACK from CUCDM
- SI sleeps, waking periodically to monitor for file(s).
- CUCDM generates report and sends via SFTP to SI
- SI sees new file(s), decompresses file(s), and begins processing.
- SI completes processing and outputs .si file(s).
- SI creates backup copies of all files, including .si, for later retrieval if necessary.
- SI transfers .si file(s) to SFTP host(s) as configured on GUI.
Gayatri Kumari