on 01-24-2014 11:49 AM
Serial number: what is this exactly...? If it's like a vendor serial number: if it's anywhere it would be in the SNMP MIB specific to the vendor
- SNMP: (Vendor specific MIB
- Serviceability AXL PerfmonPort: You can get overall memory (Memory,) memory per process, Tomcat JVM memory usage, etc.
Hard drive:
- SNMP: (Vendor specific MIB
- Serviceability AXLPerfmonPort: Partition counter
Any way to tap the MIB in CUCM 6.1?
I looked at the PerfmonPort requests and responses but could not find anything specifically for this in the document, anywhere I can find some sample requests for the above?
Note that some perfmon data - especially CPU utilization - cannot be calculated with a single poll, and requires using the 'session' features in order to track multiple data points and calculate correctly.
Does it require multiple polls using session feature for CPU utilization. why does it require. How do we calcuate CPU Percentage ?
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