Core Issue
These are the Cisco CallManager DC Directory (DCD) messages in the Application log:
8/23/2006,2:02:44 AM,DCDirectory,Warning,Directory Operation ,7838,N/A,EVOICE-R16-41A,"(DSA OPERATOR(39) Proc 160, Sev 14)
DC Directory Server has been UNQUIESCED. Modification operations will now be accepted.
8/23/2006,2:02:44 AM,DCDirectory,Information,Field Engineering ,5148,N/A,EVOICE-R16-41A,"(BASE OPERATOR(39) Proc 565, Sev 12)
MetaLink has been resumed. Export and import operations will now be accepted.
8/23/2006,2:02:38 AM,DCDirectory,Information,Field Engineering , 7989,N/A,EVOICE-R16-41A,"(DSA OPERATOR(39) Proc 168, Sev 12)
Backup Command Success
Backup mode : Backup
Result of action : DC Directory Server Archive operation succeeded.
8/23/2006,2:02:30 AM,DCDirectory,Warning,Directory Operation ,7837,N/A,EVOICE-R16-41A,"(DSA OPERATOR(39) Proc 160, Sev 14)
DC Directory Server has been QUIESCED, all modification operations will be rejected. Interrogation operations are unaffected.
8/23/2006,2:02:30 AM,DCDirectory,Warning,Directory Operation ,7499,N/A,EVOICE-R16-41A,"(DSA OPERATOR(39) Proc 487, Sev 14)
A checkpoint has been successfully set for the DC Directory Server database.
Number of Warmstart DA Entries: 1
8/23/2006,2:02:26 AM,DCDirectory,Information,Field Engineering ,5144,N/A,EVOICE-R16-41A,"(BASE OPERATOR(39) Proc 565, Sev 12)
MetaLink has been suspended. No export or import operations will now be accepted.
8/23/2006,2:02:26 AM,DCDirectory,Information,Field Engineering ,5143,N/A,EVOICE-R16-41A,"(BASE OPERATOR(39) Proc 565, Sev 12)
MetaLink is about to suspend, but will wait for any outstanding import or export sequences to complete. This may take a few minutes.
The DCD normally logs messages on a daily basis around 1 a.m., as configured, and also when the Backup and Restore System (BARS) backup process runs, which indicates when the DCD service paused and resumed. These messages are normal DCD messages and can be ignored.
If the messages that you see are different from the previous messages, please use the TAC Service Request Tool in order to open a service request to troubleshoot the issue further.
Refer to Cisco CallManager Administration Guide for more information.