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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


Typically in most of the case we can not able to get the root cause for the issue as there are no logs for the incident. This can cause a set back to get some new Defect or issue that we see on the product. This document will provide one stop setup process to archive the logs from some of the Telepresence products.


This process may cause some resource issue on the system when there is heavy tracing going on.

Archiving traces on CTS End points:

This section deals with the Log archiving for the CTS endpoint.

Step 1:Set up SFTP/FTP server.

Step 2:Create the dir for this CTS end point in the root path.

Step 3:Go to Cisco Unified Communication Manager/ Call Manager  administration console.

Step 4:Select Device>Phone.

Step 5:Select the CTS that you want to setup logs to archive.

Step 6:In External CTS log Destination. Please fill in the information you have from Step 1 and Step 2.

          Logs configruation CTS.png

Note: External address should be the path for the server.

         Log Start Time is in 24 hours format.

Step 7:Make sure you save the configuration and Reset the codec. To get this configuration.

Step 8:Verify on the FTP/SFTP server if you have files form the CTS manager at the time you mentioned.

Archiving logs on the CTS-MAN/CTM:

This section deals with CTS-MAN/CTM log archiving. CTS-MAN/CTM 1.6 did not have this feature to archive logs to a SFTP or FTP server. But in 1.7 you can Archive the logs on the CTS-MAN/CTM

Step 1:Set up SFTP/FTP server.

Step 2:Create the dir for this CTS-MAN/CTM in the root path.

Step 3:Log in to the CTS-MAN/CTM webadmin GUI.

Step 4:On left hand pannel please select Log Files under Troubleshooting.

Step 5:On right side of the page select Archive Tab.

Step 6:Select Remote Storage.

Step 7:Select storage Type FTP or SFTP.

Step 8:Enter the Hostname information.

Step 9:Enter the Port you are using ( By default it is 22 for SFTP 21 for FTP ).

Step 10: Fill in the Username and password for the SFTP/FTP server.

Step 11:Enter the Path on the SFTP/FTP root for Files to archive.

CTS-MAN Logs.png

Step 12:Verify the logs on the FTP/SFTP server.


Note: Logs will be archived Every time the logs will rotate. That means when the 10 files are written and when we are going to circle back to file number 1 we are going to archive the logs.


Archiving logs on CTMS:

There is no shuch Feautre avaible at this point on any version of the CTMS. But there is Sev 6 enhancement is open to address this issue.

Please refer to Defect.

CSCtj18141:CTMS should have log archiving capability.

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