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Complete these steps to change the IP address on the Cisco Customer Response Application (CRA) server:

Note: If you do not follow these steps when you change the IP address, the CRA Engine will not come into service.

  1. From the Cisco CRA Administration web page, select System > Engine and click Stop Engine in the Engine web page.  

  2. Exit Cisco CRA Administration.  

  3. Change the IP address on the Cisco CRA server to the new address.  

  4. Reinstall and configure Cisco CRA 3.5. (Do not uninstall Cisco CRA 3.5 before reinstalling it.) Make sure to also install the latest service release. Do not reinstall the Speech Server now. Refer to Getting Started with Cisco Customer Response Applications 3.5 for installation instructions.  

  5. Select System > Engine from the Cisco CRA Administration web page.  

  6. Click the Engine Configuration hyperlink, enter the new Cisco CRA server IP address in the Application Engine Hostname field, and click Update.  

  7. If you use Cisco ICD, follow the procedure described in the Updating the CAD Servers  IP Address section in Cisco Desktop Product Suite 4.5.5 (ICD) Service Information.  

  8. If you use the Cisco IP Phone Agent service on Cisco CallManager, update the information in the Service URL field in the Cisco CallManager Administration Cisco IP Phone Services Configuration page with the new Cisco CRA server IP address.  

  9. Complete these steps if you use Cisco CRA Historical Reports:  

    1. Stop the Cisco CRA Engine (see step 1).      

    2. From the Cisco CRA Administration web page, select Tools > Historical Reporting and click the Database Server Configuration hyperlink.      

    3. Click Update.      

    4. Start the Historical Reports Client.      

    5. Click Server in the Login dialog box, and change the server IP address to the new Cisco CRA server IP address.

  10. If you are using the ICM subsystem on the Cisco CRA server, change the Voice Response Unit (VRU) Peripheral Interface Manager (PIM) configuration to point to the new Cisco CRA server IP address.  

  11. On each client computer from which you run real-time reports, point the web browser to the new Cisco CRA server IP address.  

  12. Complete these steps on each dedicated server if you have installed Nuance Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) on one or more dedicated servers:  

    1. Select Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC).      

    2. Click the System DSN tab.      

    3. Click wfnuance in the System Data Sources pane and click Configure.      

    4. In the Server field, type the new IP address of the Cisco CRA server and click Next.      

    5. In the Microsoft SQL Server DSN Configuration dialog box, make sure that With SQL Server authentication using a login ID and password entered by the user is selected.      

    6. Enter nuance in the Password field and click Next in the Microsoft SQL Server DSN Configuration dialog box.      

    7. Click Next.      

    8. Click Finish.      

    9. Click Test Data Source and verify that the operation completes successfully in the ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog box.      

    10. Click OK.      


      Note: You do not need to take any action for Nuance Text-to-Speech (TTS).


  13. Reboot the Cisco CRA server.  


    Note: Before you log in to either the Cisco Agent Desktop or the Cisco Supervisor Desktop, select Start > Run on the computer on which you are running either of these programs and enter this command, where new_ip is the new IP address of the Cisco CRA server:




This procedure is also documented by the cisco bug-Id: CSCdy82034: Document procedure to change IP address of CRS server

Refer to the Changing the IP Address of a Cisco CRA Server section of Release Notes for Cisco Customer Response Applications 3.5(2) for more information.

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