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Level 10
Level 10


Complete these steps in order to change the Network Interface Card (NIC) Settings:

  1. First verify the settings on command line in order to check the present NIC mode.

    admin:show network eth0 detail

    Now if the change is required, then continue to step 2.
  2. Login to the Cisco CallManager Server and run this command.

    admin:set network nic eth0 duplex half

      ***  W A R N I N G  ***
    This will cause the system to temporarily lose network connectivity

      Do you want to continue ?

  3. Enter Yes in order to continue or any other key to abort.

In order to change the IP Address of the Cisco CallManager, complete these steps:

  1. CLI can only change the IP address.

    admin:set network ip eth0

    ***  W A R N I N G  ***
  2. If there are IP addresses, not hostnames, configured in the Cisco CallManager Administration under System > Servers then you must change the IP address there before you change it here or call processing fails.

    This causes the system to restart.

    Note: To recognize the new IP address all nodes within the cluster will have to be manually rebooted.

    Do you want to continue ?

  3. Choose Yes in order to continue and restart or any other key to abort. But, ensure that all the warnings are taken care of when the commands are issued and go to where it points to if there are any warnings.

    After you click Yes, the system reboots automatically. Therefore it is recommended to perform these steps during off hours.

Refer to CallManager 5.x: NIC Properties via the CLI Configuration Example for more information.

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