A Cisco PGW 2200 can support up to six true Originating Point Codes (OPCs). However, there are some configuration steps to follow in order to deploy this configuration.
Each OPC is bound to a single Signaling System 7 (SS7) Input Output Channel Controller (IOCC) instance within the PGW 2200, where each IOCC is bound to a unique UDP port. Each unique port is identified when the user configures the SESSIONSET that is used by the C7IPLNK in the PGW 2200 configuration.
When the user configures multiple OPCs, the linksets cannot be shared between IOCCs. As a result, the user must configure multiple entries for Adjacent Point Codes (APCs) with unique Man-Machine Language (MML) names. This allows the user to have a unique entry to associate with the LNKSET for each IOCC.
For more information on configuring multiple OPCs on a Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch, refer to PGW 2200 Multiple Originating Point Codes Configuration Example.
For additing multiple originating point codes, refer to the Adding Multiple OPCs section of Adding System Components with MML.