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Robert Thomas
Level 7
Level 7

RTMT which stands for Real Time Monitoring Tool, is the tool of choice to gather Syslog, log files and performance monitoring for Cisco Unified communications Manager.

1. Login into RTMT with your CM Administration account.

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2. Under the System panel, Select Trace & Log Central. On the right panel you can double click on the Collect Files option.

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3. From the Collect files window select the type of log file that you are interested in. Multiples pages might appear. In this example we gathe the Cisco CallManager service.

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4. Select the time range you would like to gather the files from. You can select either an Absolute Range and specify the Date and Time, or a Relative Range of the last N minutes.

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6. You can use the Browse button to select the Download File Directory.

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7. Click on finish to start the log collection.

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